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40% Transgender Suicide

Forty percent of transgender kids commit suicide. The Left lies to these kids every day of their lives. First, they tell them that they were born wrong – assigned the wrong gender at birth. Then they tell them, “You can overcome this if you get these hormone injections and these very expensive, very painful surgeries to tear up your body.” And when this child realizes that after all of this, they will still never be anything other than their birth gender, and they are outraged, the Left lies again and says, “If you want to be mad, go after the conservatives because they never supported you.” We have never lied to them, but the Left declares us the villains. 

Forty percent of these kids commit suicide.  Why does any human begin commit suicide?  A leading reason is that the individual feels that there is something wrong with their life and they are powerless to fix it.  When they feel helpless and hopeless, that’s when suicide becomes an option.  From the beginning the Left tells them that they were born wrong and when reality shows them the truth, no one should be surprised that so many kill themselves. 

We have to hold the Left accountable for the phrase “born that way…”  They were not born wrong.  They were just born male or female.  It’s like being born with B positive blood, instead of O negative. There’s nothing wrong with being B positive. No one throws a “B positive” parade.  Our challenge is, “Can we find a way to show them the truth behind the liberal lies?”

10 replies on “40% Transgender Suicide”

I have serious doubts that what these kids really want is to be another gender. I think they just want to be something other than what they are and “gender transitioning” is what’s available to accomplish that.

Then, when they find out the thing they were looking for was not what they got, and realize they’ve done irreparable damage to their bodies, things look to them even worse than before they started the “transition” process.

There’s an old saying about being ‘comfortable in your own skin’. These people are not comfortable in their own skins and seek to don some other guise they think, and they are told, they’ll be more comfortable with.

This awkward sense of ‘something’s wrong with me’ has been the case with adolescents throughout human history. Lots of kids go through this, they all grow out of it eventually up until now. The difference is that now there are ghouls lined up with needles and scalpels to make a ton of money off the phenomena.

All kids go through this to some level or another. Had a neighbor growing up and though he and I were the same age, we went through puberty about 18 months apart. The result was that while I was an acned, hairy mess before confirmation, his didn’t kick in until much later.
He was self-conscious about still being hairless, I was self-conscious the other way. To the point I recall being at summer camp and raising my hand for a question, and another kid blurts out “holy crap, you have hair under your arms” Just the thing to make an awkward 11 year old want to crawl into a hole. My dad’s response that night was priceless: You have Mediterranean gene’s, embrace it.
i.e.: parents are supposed to help their kids navigate these trials and become adults.
I also think there is a part of trying to make yourself go away or be invisible if you change your outward appearance sufficiently. Kids will think different is better, but then they find that it is just different and who you are is 99 44/100% about what is inside. That can be a big shock to people who have gone through a painful process and need to go through an even more painful process to try and reverse it.
Then there was this at the patriot post this morning. Seems timely.

… I’m pretty sure I’d like your Dad. Not only was that the right thing to say, it was said in the right way.

Parents seem to me to be losing that sort of parenting skills. Some of this is due to the death of real, parental love. A child is not a novel kind of walking, talking squeaky toy. A child is not a captive friend. Your boys are not your buddies, your daughters are not your pals. Being a parent is much, much deeper and better than all of that.

I raised two boys and I do not recall even once caring even a little bit if we were “friends” or not. Because they were not at a stage in life where they could BE a real friend yet. They had to learn what that meant and how to become the kind of person worthy of true friendship. It was my job as their Dad to teach them that and many other things about how to become a responsible, conscientious, happy adult male human being.

Much of our adolescent self-consciousness exists solely in our own minds as we grow up. I matured early too, I had a full beard the last summer I was in Highschool*. Sometimes things like ‘You have a real beard’ or ‘Wow, you have hair under your arms’ is actually awe or jealousy at the fact you’re physically becoming a man sooner than the person noticing and speaking about that kind of thing. What we take as “being different” isn’t mean the way we take it.

The problem is that now with the onset of prolonged self-centeredness (egocentricity) these things that should be, as your father said “embraced”, are blown completely out of proportion by parents. Their kids don’t know and are not told that these things are OK, they’re normal and they’re not a big deal. This is because parents who should know better do not. Because they never grew up either.

Many parents today seem to have lost the capacity for real parental love. Parental love isn’t about feeling good it’s about caring enough do do the right thing even when it absolutely does not feel good.

(* Which was the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school. Due to a quirk in the qualifications for graduation in that state at that time I had enough credits to graduate at the end of my junior year. I couldn’t officially graduate until my class did the following year. So I enlisted in the Marines 3 days after my 17th birthday. I had to take a GED test to join the Marines because I did not have an official diploma and would not for another year. By the time my class graduated I had already been serving for the better part of a year.

The point of telling you this is that I had a full beard at 15 years old and it wasn’t one of those scruffy, sparse things kids grow when they really ought to be shaving. I remember running into other kids from school that summer and hearing them say things like “Wow, you have a beard!” They weren’t criticising me they were in awe of the fact that I could grow a beard and they could not.)

Oh, yea the full beard in HS. Did that, too. When I played travel baseball, U16, my coach had to have a copy of my birth certificate. I was never a big guy, but grew the beard specifically to try an intimidate the other team. Without it I looked (and still do a bit) way younger than with it. One of the reasons I haven’t gone clean shaven for more than a couple of days in over 20 years. Though now that it is almost fully grey I think about it. Will never dye it, though.
And yes, I have said many times, including on here, that many parents don’t understand their job as parents. They think it is to have happy kids. Not by a long shot. It is to guide those kids through the trials and tribulations of childhood through adolescence into becoming fully functioning adults.
A few months back, our youth pastor was speaking at church and I looked up the attached to send to her. She is only in her 30s and had never heard of this writer. You are old enough to probably remember Erma Bombeck. This one is particularly good and pertinent to this discussion.
Oh, and yea. My dad was a pretty good dad. Though it took me a while to figure that out.

Hell yeah I remember Erma Bombeck. My Mom used to read her column out loud to the whole family.

I don’t know if it’s the lack of Erma Bombecks, or its that interest in people like Erma Bombeck slowly ebbed away while we weren’t looking but …

The kind of perspective portrayed in that article you posted used to be very popular in America. Popular enough for a middle aged mother and housewife named Erma Bombeck to make a decent living by writing about them.

I wonder what Erma would have to say about the situation today? Come back, Erma, we need you badly.

By all means, have at it. My sister and I loved hearing Mom read Erma’s column in the newspaper to our family. Even when it was something like the one you posted above. It was a way for Mom to tell us how that kind of thing works without having to actually come right out and say it herself for herself.

Erma, among other things, did a great job of putting my Mom’s thoughts and feelings into a newspaper column. I can’t help but think Erma was speaking for a LOT of moms back then.

Often Mom would bring along the paper with Erma Bombeck’s column in it if we were going somewhere for the weekend. Then she’d read it in the car to Dad, my sister and me.

Some of the best times of my early life were accompanied by Erma’s columns and some of the best memories I have of my mom is her reading them to us.

Additionally, even those that go through intensive counseling are not fully prepared for what large doses of the wrong hormones will do them mentally.
This really should be intuitively obvious, as all young people become irrational (at best) when going through puberty when, as we all say, their hormones kick in.
Take someone who is a 20 year old male who starts to transition. They are already going through the head space of what I see in the mirror is wrong. Now inject them with female hormones to change their bodies. But these hormones provide a wave of emotional response and mood swings.
Anecdotal only, but Ronette has a life-long friend who after much therapy decided he wasn’t gay but was a she. With counseling and family support started the process. ( He must have a had a real therapist as the first stage was dressing as female all the time, including in public).
When he started taking hormones, stopped after a week due to severe depression and suicidal thoughts. Now, living life as a female but without any hormones “she” is back to being a generally happy person who enjoys life.
Not sure the next step but counseling is ongoing and very reticent to try hormones again.
I guess my TL;DR point is that while the 40% number may be a the same, I am not sure that it is the same 40%. My gut says that when people go through the arduous transition, especially if they have not been properly prepared for the level of difficulty, and come out the other side still unhappy. . . well taking out the person in the mirror who is now someone you don’t even know is probably easier to fathom.
Megyn Kelly had three women on her show on Friday. One older lady who thought she wanted to transition in her 20s but after therapy was convinced by her therapist that what she needed to do was learn how to be a content lesbian. Another who was pushed into transitioning by her therapist in her late teens and has since transitioned back to female. The third was a therapist whose voice is very important as she is pushing back on the “gender affirming” therapy being the first route.
All three are in various stages of being red pilled and realizing that conservatives were right. Worth a listen on the topic.

More importantly, the suicide rate is THE SAME regardless of whether they have the surgery or not, meaning that their efforts “for the good of the child” do not alter the issue for at least 40%. (I’ve heard statistics as high as 50%)

What I don’t get is why anyone would think that a boy who voluntarily wants to lop off his junk, or a girl eagerly willing to have her breasts cut off — Is anything but a prime candidate for suicide anyway. Those are the deeply, deeply disturbed behaviors of cataclysmically unstable personalities. As is taking hormones that your body is not built to cope with in the hopes that somehow magic fairy dust and unicorn flatulence are going to make you into something you’re not. Because a male declaring he’s a female is right up there in equivalency to declaring he’s a fried egg sandwich.

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