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538 People Choose The Next President?

A ruling today in a federal appeals court overturned the dismissal of a Colorado Electoral College member after he refused to cast his electoral college vote for the candidate that won the state’s popular election.

The panel concluded that the presidential electors in the Electoral College have the absolute right to cast their electoral vote for the candidate of their choice.

More than two dozen states have laws binding electors to vote for whoever wins the popular vote in their respective states. But it seems this decision opens the door to invalidate those laws as unconstitutional.

There are only 538 electors, currently. If electors are free to vote their conscience, as the federal appeals court just ruled, what prevents a cabal of like-minded electors from deciding the best thing for the country is to go against the will of the people? Is it such a leap to think that some portion of the electors truly think Trump is a racist stooge of Putin, and they would be doing their country a great patriotic service by denying him 4 more years in the White House?

Story is here:

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