BW Member Blog

A Bit of Election Miasma Relief

Sit down and take a moment and a deep breath for a little break from election insanity – the McRib is coming back!

Yes, everybody’s favorite once-in-a-blue-moon sandwich will be back on the McDonald’s menu on December 2. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be scarfin’ ’em down as fast as I can.

The McRib first appeared when your slightly-overweight-but-no-wonder-why author was in high school and working at McD’s back in the late 70s (not 1982 like the article says). We couldn’t make them fast enough, and not just because yours truly was eating so many on his breaks.

And there’s an added bonus: McRibs cure the WuFlu!* Hail the return of good times!


*This article does not provide medical advice, even though the author spent a semester in pre-med in college. Ask your doctor about which McRib dosage is right for you.

4 replies on “A Bit of Election Miasma Relief”

Never had a “the McRib” before. Was it made with actual meat? Like meat cut from a beef rib or pork rib?
I ask because in the mid 90’s I did business with an injection molding company in Longmont Co. There expertise was in very large, very difficult to make molds, and in particular, difficult to inject materials.
I got to see an open, completed steel mold which had 20 rows of 10 cavities into which a liquified chicken mixture was to be injected at high pressure, to form the backbone of a Chicken Nugget. The amazing part was that they purposely made each cavity a slightly different shape! They would not confirm the customer for the mold, could have been Tyson, or Banquet or McD’s.
The thought of a liquified chicken meat mixture flowing through all those runners and gates of an injection mold was rather nauseating. And if you know injection molding process at all, imagine how nasty the hopper feeding the barrel and screw must have been….eew!
I just hope that the McRib is made of chunks of meat and not a liquified meat mixture.

I don’t think it’s injection molded but it is formed and pressed pork. Back in the day, just like the burgers, we’d cook ’em on the big ol’ flat griddle then plop ’em in a heated pot containing BBQ sauce. Then we’d pull ’em out of the vat as needed to make the sandwiches.

Just on their own with no sauce they tasted rather like pork chops. I have mine without the onions because onions are evil.

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