I try not to give politicians in general too much credit for strategy. They seem to sway from poll to poll. However, it is clear that Trump’s strategy of making the socialist four (or whatever tag they get) the face and platform of the democratic party is quite brilliant. They are wholly unlikeable and their policies poll worse. Everytime he doubles down, it gets better. This seems like a winning strategy.
2 replies on “A brilliant strategy”
Yeah, Nancy Pelosi and others had the unenviable choice of siding with Pres Trump who sided with them in their internecine battles or siding with the anti-American group who are pulling the party down and whom they were fighting with 5 minutes ago. Predictably they choose to jump right into the fire and tell the blue collar and substantial Democrat voter base “Eh, thanks for 2018, now back in your cages”.
I agree, Ralph. Trump does have a plan, here. And it’s working.