My Father was career Air Force (now before you get excited, he was significantly far-sighted, so he flew a desk). But I got to see a fair number of air shows, and Bill is remembering what I remember – forget to breathe excitement!
But when, many years later, I was working in Seattle during Seafair week, the Blue Angels were practicing around the top floors of the high rise office buildings. No work as being done by the female staff, and even the bosses were getting into it. You could see the faces of the pilots! They were that close. *Sigh*
3 replies on “About Air Shows…”
My Great-Uncle was also career Air Force. He had a minorly distinguished career. Perhaps you have heard of him.
General Curtis E. LeMay.
I’m old enough to Remember General LeMay. It’s a pity there aren’t more Officers and Gentlemen like him anymore.
Just read a long bio on him after reading your comment. Wow.