BW Member Blog


This is not the country I grew up in. In America, people of good conscience could argue and fight, debate and disagree, sometimes vociferously, and still remain friends. Here in Amerika, things are different. In Amerika, the robust free exchange of ideas between rugged individuals has been replaced by the bleating conformity of the herd.

We see it on our college campuses, where “safe spaces” are required to protect students from thoughts and ideas that challenge their worldview. We see it on (anti) social media, where those with differing views are “unfriended” and blocked, lest they contaminate the discourse with their opposition to the groupthink orthodoxy.

As a result, these forums have become intellectual circle jerks, wherein the conversations are reduced to one-upmanship contests, to see who can make the most smug and pithy observation about the subject on which all participants agree. 

Should someone holding a dissenting opinion appear in these echo chambers, they are either declared “unmutual”, rhetorically beaten senseless and ostracized, or treated as a circus act, a performing monkey, to be laughed at and impugned as an unenlightened, knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.

It doesn’t matter if the topic is abortion, gay marriage, global warming, gun control, immigration, transgenderism, or refugees. Dissent is not to be countenanced. Even “live and let live” is not sufficient. All must embrace the groupthink paradigm or be destroyed.

I’ve heard this situation described as “1984” meets “Lord of the Flies”. I would add “Hamlet” to the mix. What most people don’t know about “Hamlet” is its historical context. You see, while the Danes were all caught up in their court intrigues, their country was being overrun and invaded by barbarians. They were so self-focused, that they didn’t see their civilization being destroyed, right before their eyes.

Whether we like it or not, we live in a world governed by the aggressive use of force. World War III is breaking out all over the planet. When it comes here – and it will, “safe spaces” and “unfriending” won’t protect you. If you can’t face people who disagree with you, you’ll never be able to face those who want to kill you.

America could have survived and even triumphed in the coming storm. Amerika doesn’t stand a chance.

4 replies on “Amerika”

I think America will survive. I am optimistic. The generation that is up and coming has been immunized from the propaganda. Many are looking to get into trades and not college

It’s communism, but a very twisted version of it, even as bad as the standard version is. Goldberg had it partly right, calling it “Liberal Fascism”, but it’s fascism layered on top of a very fundamentally weak and unserious nature.

I think most of us here understand that we aren’t trying to save America, we’re trying to take her back and restore her.

Well said.The Frankfort School’s fingerprints are all over this.

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