Apollo 11

Apollo 11: What We Saw, with Bill Whittle [Trailer]

Here’s the trailer for the five-hour special — “Apollo 11: What We Saw,” with Bill Whittle. Mark the 50th anniversary of the historic American moon landing by getting the story behind the space race, and man’s quest to step off of this planet and explore the night sky.

Here’s the trailer for the five-hour special — “Apollo 11: What We Saw,” with Bill Whittle. Mark the 50th anniversary of the historic American moon landing by getting the story behind the space race, and man’s quest to step off of this planet and explore the night sky.

21 replies on “Apollo 11: What We Saw, with Bill Whittle [Trailer]”

Only 2 series I watch on PBS now. NOVA for the science, Nature for outstanding photography!

According to the description under The Daily Wires trailer on youtube the first episode is coming this Saturday 7/13.

Bill, one of the things you have returned to me is my childhood wonder and delight in the Mercury and Apollo missions–I am almost giddy at the prospect of this new series from you.

I await this with bated breath and great antici………………………………………………………………………………………………pation. I was 18 or so when men landed on the moon and I remember it well.

yes, I had to hear about this project from Shapiro too. He sure said some nice things about your knowledge Bill. (I am guessing this is the project you were hinting at a little while back. When you mentioned the real studio instead of a green screen)
So we members are going to have access… Riiiggghhhtttt?

The project was done for The Daily Wire, but we’ll post here as well for our Members whatever they let us.

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