Bill Whittle Now

Bad Data: Biden Mask Mandate Won’t Save 130,000 Lives Because Most Already Wear One

Would a Biden administration “follow the science” when it comes to proposals for a national mask mandate? What if the science were founded on bad data?

The national mask mandate advocated by Joe Biden and others won’t save 130,000 lives by February because the vast majority of Americans already wear a mask in public, according to Phillip Magness in The Wall Street Journal. Bad data in a seminal study in the journal Nature Medicine is fueling the push, but would a Biden administration follow the science?

Despite President Trump’s somewhat cavalier attitude toward face coverings, mask adoption to fight COVID-19 isn’t 49 percent, but north of 80 percent.

Background Resources:
Case for Mask Mandate Rests on Bad Data
[Phillip Magness, The Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2020]
Modeling COVID-19 Scenarios for the United States
[Nature Medicine, October 23, 2020]
Personal Responsibility Isn’t Working. We Need Mask Mandates.
[The Washington Post, November 13, 2020]

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Bill Whittle Network · Bad Data: Biden Mask Mandate Won’t Save 130,000 Lives Because Most Already Wear One

39 replies on “Bad Data: Biden Mask Mandate Won’t Save 130,000 Lives Because Most Already Wear One”

I’m convinced that they come up with these policies a) as CYA to shield their own incompetences; b) because they think the average American is as incompetent as they are; c) as a scheme to funnel taxpayer dollars as a sop to their donors. It reminds me of some of the asinine rules that came out Post-9/11.
Terrorist sneaks a bomb onboard a plane, one in his underwear & one in his shoe. In both cases, newly established, draconian security regulations that had little to do with security failed miserably to stop them at the checkpoints, leaving it to citizen passengers to take care of the problem for them. But rather than enact proper security measures, the powers that be doubled down on more nonsensical regulations that once again had little to do with actual security. They did it & do it for all of the reasons previously mentioned, because power & control, not public safety is what truly motivates them.
Boy, do we need to bring Civics & History back into the classroom.

Bill, with all due respect I have for you, you and your colleagues are missing the point.
Most people wear socks with their shoes.
Most people brush their teeth daily.
Most people do a whole lot of things that most other people do.
Scott’s comment that wearing a mask reduced the wearer’s chance of contracting COVID is simply in error.
Arguing the positive reasons for wearing masks is ridiculous.
Wearing masks is none of the above. It’s a visual method to identify who is following orders and who is not following orders.
Those not following orders shall assemble at the Treblinka Train Station and board their assigned cattle cars.
Hurry. Space is limited.

I do not believe to study that Scott quoted. I work in the health care industry. I wear a mask to protect my patients. It does not protect me. The only masks that offer some protection are N-95 masks and we are only allowed to wear those masks if we are doing procedures that are aerosol generating procedures. The masks used in surgical suites are to protect the patient. We have known this forever.

Masks are dehumanizing. Period. They are a visible marker of compliance to a to a dictatorial government, and that is there primary purpose. There are old studies done prior to this scamdemic which show that wearing these masks are not efficacious in preventing the spread of disease. They were never designed for that purpose. This is all about control.

Masks work as well as lighting gun powder in the air. It’s a false since of security that has morphed into a symbol of control. If anyone believes this fearmongering is going to end without the public’s intervention then they’re delusional. This was supposed to stop after 10 days to 2 weeks so ICUs would not be overwhelmed. It’s now going to be 23 months according to the good Dr. And if he had his way we all would be wearing googles and masks 4 months out of the year and masks for the other 8 forever. Also, the main reason they are pushing the nonsense position that the mask is for source control is because they need to shame you into wearing one to “protect others” because if it was left to the individual and whether or not he would contract it then most healthy people would rather get it and be done with it.

I also have witnessed this mask lie firsthand and you are welcome to repeat this. Last Dec in 2019 my wife gave birth to my little girl, through a C section. Unfortunately 3 days earlier we went to Cabela’s so my 2 yearold could see Santa. Well Santa had a present, and it wasn’t just the lollipop. My boy contracted Influenza A, and passed it onto my pregnant wife. She got through the delivery and while in recovery her symptoms really started to show so they took a sample and gave us the news. They wanted to take our newborn, we said hell no. Anyway they rolled the PPE cart outside our room and any visitors had to don and doff their mask, smock, and gloves when entering or exiting. We definitely didnot get the same level of care as the first time but it was what it was. I didn’t wear the mask or gloves for the 3 days there and my girl never got sick, and you know how close mom and baby are. So can anyone guess who the Dr’s and nurses explicitly said not to wear a mask was? This is how I know the mask BS is about control and not our health.

Warning, major venting: I have been to the emergency room in late April where the attending physician called BS on masks and social distancing. The ER was empty of Covid patients and the tent that was supposed to triage was empty.

I was forced to wait months for knee surgery when they cancelled non-emergent surgeries. My leg muscles atrophied during the wait and I lost the ability to walk unaided.

I have been in the hospital for a knee replacement and my surgeon and the anesthesiologist refused to wear a mask outside the operating room. They say this is political.

I have been to a wedding with 100 guests, I have been to my friend’s u-pick apple farm with hundreds of unmasked people. I’ve been to Vegas in a packed pool for hours with unmasked people. I’ve been to restaurants, baby showers and birthday celebrations. I have not changed my habits much.

I only wear a mask when absolutely forced inside a business. I shun hand sanitizer because I believe it ultimately lowers your resistance. I wash my hands when they are dirty or before cooking or after the restroom.

I have seen all of my relatives except for the scared liberal ones and my uncle who is imprisoned in his retirement home. My 85 year old dad and mom are living life, golfing, seeing friends and traveling.

My husband’s family refused to go to my stepson’s wedding. My husband and I were the only family there on the groom’s side. They are disgusted that we are going to spend Thanksgiving unmasked and unsocial-distanced. They won’t come. They claim that my husband and I, and people like us are selfish and just don’t like to be told what to do. I tell them that if all these precautions worked significantly, I would comply, but I refuse to comply to orders based on lies designed to implement tyrannical control.

At work, I have to wear a mask even when I am alone in an 800 square foot room. In order to take a sip of water, I have to walk 5 minutes to a designated break area. If I don’t follow protocol to the letter, I can be reported to HR where punishment can include termination.

I don’t know how much more I can stand if this.

Crazy weird. I had commented to my wife on the weekend about this. Our county in California went backwards from Yellow to Red, but not all the way back to Purple. So our county “Karen the health official” will return to mandating Home Depot only allow 25% of the total occupancy, Safeway stores and Best Buy too.
My wife had said that the change was predicated on the “spike in new cases”. I though that interesting, since EVERYONE I see IS wearing a mask where we’re being ask to wear masks. Not outside, not where we can socially distance ourselves in open air, but inside stores, restaurants, offices (when we can actually go back to work in offices…) So IF we’re wearing masks, and cases are “Spiking”….how is that happening?
If masks are somehow not preventing the spike, here’s a suggestion….
Men, stop picking your goddamn noses while driving to the store, then touching the store’s payment keys for your debit card! And everyone else, wash your freaking hands more, as in, with soap, for a minute if you can spare the time!
There, I said it. You’re welcome.

Actually, 20 seconds of washing your hands with ordinary soap is all it takes to destroy the coating on any virus and thus destroy it.

For anyone interested, there is a great video of Dr. Darren Beattie of Revolver News explaining the deadly cost of this PLANdemic lockdown in life-years-lost. This is the one thing that nobody else is talking about – not only because of the blackout of any divergent opinions, but mostly, I think, because our media is so totally inept when it comes to handling and understanding numbers. Anything with more than a couple of zeros behind it seems to cause them serious mental blackouts.
It is very eye-opening, and yes, they’ve presented this report to President Trump.

It’s not clear what you’re QEDing. If you mean that government will give up the power they’ve seized, they won’t.

Its just biology. We will either get the vaccine or the disease. And hopefully will have learned from this experience about risk assessment.

I wear a mask at the grocery store because it has been mandated by our governor (don’t get me started…). I crocheted it. It’s a fishnet design that adheres to the mandate in that it covers my nose and mouth. No one says squat.

That is great! I have found too that grocery stores and large retailers don’t usually say boo, and I’ve stopped wearing a mask unless asked. The only places I’ve been asked recently are at a small family-owned restaurant that is paranoid about the county $1000-per-violation fine, and Whole Foods, which is of course full of woke leftists. (I know, don’t like going to WF and I think that was only the second time I’d gone there since the lockdowns started, but there a just a few things available there that I can’t get anywhere else.)

I do the same as intheaspens – if a business asks me to wear a mask, I do. It’s their property and I have no right to use their services and not comply. (It factors into my decision about where to shop, though.)

No one has given me a problem about not wearing a mask if requested, though there has only been one time I didn’t, at my local Home Depot when I forgot to bring one.

Another time, somewhere between home and WalMart, I lost my mask. Even though they’re not allowed by company policy to say anything about missing masks even though their policy still requires them and they have no signs up any more (I verified this with an employee), I still wear one there because the policy still stands and I don’t want to cause headaches for the employees, who are always very nice and helpful. As I was barely inside the entrance and about to ask an employee for a mask (they keep them on hand for things like this), some woman pointed at me and made a short screech about my not having one. I looked at her like she was a bug I was about to step on and she shut up.

I don’t care at all about preventing people from catching this damned thing. The best defense we have against viral outbreaks is a collectively strong immune system. Without it, we are doomed to succumb to the next minor cold virus. F-ing snakeoil salesmen are bamboozling the ignorant masses.

You know it’s all about fear and control when you see people wearing them in their cars on the highway at 70 mph with the A/C on and all the windows up! I states where mask wearing is mandated, can a police officer stop you for not wearing a mask in this same scenario?

Probably not, since it probably is not an actual legal requirement but a health advisory. Would depend on the state. Would also depend on whether it is a primary cause for a stop (or the other term I’ve forgotten). For a while, here, seat belts weren’t a reason to get pulled over, though they are not.

Remember with these masks that decades of non-politicized, carefully done research showed masks to have no effectiveness against viruses. As soon as this panicdemic got politicized, masks suddenly became the holy grail of protection despite no new research. Then everyone started rushing to become the first study to show masks do work. I’ve even read some recent research papers where the data showed masks do not work and in some cases actually worse than no mask (mask seemed to create many many tiny droplets instead of a couple of big droplets that just fall right down). However, these conclusions from the studies basically said we haven’t done enough research so keep wearing a mask despite the data showing they are worse because if they didn’t say that they wouldn’t get their paper published. The mask issue has become so highly politicized that you cannot trust anything you hear about the anymore. The truth is, during non-politicized times masks were known by all to be ineffective against viruses. During these hyper political times, masks have become an idol for many. For these reasons (along with the side effects of masks) I do not wear a mask and recommend everyone else stop wearing masks also. These are tools of oppression for the political elite and we need to start fighting back against all of these ridiculous and unconstitutional lockdown and distancing, etc. orders.

So Scott … is it your job to keep Bill on track and to flip the switches in case he veers off in an unexpected direction?
Bill certainly has an adventurous mind!!
Hugs and Love to you Both!!

I think your definition of “intellectual” is a better definition of an “expert”.

Side note, I had a co-worker who used to say, “An ‘ex’ is a has-been, and a ‘spurt’ is a drip under pressure”.

An actual, real live intellectual (as opposed to an expert that people consider intellectual) understands that he knows a little bit about a lot of things. A real intellectual is a deep thinker who considers broad scenarios, and understands the limitation of his own knowledge.

It was Imperial College, London, and the one guy who made the computer model has never gotten a computer model right in his life so far. It was Oxford who called him on it, showing that it was GIGO, and that it was insane to shut the world down over it, and this was before “15 days” had elapsed. Yet here we are, with Fauci calling for 15 years.

Loved the close of this episode! And Bill is right about politicians — they really don’t care about public health, they care about CONTROL. Further, Leftist politicians want you to be afraid because if you’re afraid and fearful, then you’re easier to CONTROL. Use good sense but do not be fearful.

The coronavirus measures between .05 and 0.2 microns in diameter, one micron is 1 millionth part of a meter). 

The holes in the typical mask are at least 500,000 times larger than the virus it is expected to protect you from. A fence with holes that large is NOT a fence. It can’t stop anything that is important to be stopped.

Tell me, why are we wearing masks? Just because our wannabe dictators told us too? THAT is the only reason. We have submitted to their illegal dictates simply because we are, as a nation, totally ignorant of reality. We live in a fantasy world where our Government will keep us safe. Government unleashed will be the death of us all!

All Government can do is refrain from violating our rights or violate them wholesale. All else must be taken from us at the point of a gun. Clearly, they are NOT refraining from violating our rights. Their end game is mountains of dead bodies and rivers of blood with the few left living is to be their slaves. Even that not for very long.

If you love life, it is time to trim our government back to its original size: small and all but invisible. If you don’t love life, do nothing and you will lose it.

The rebuttal to this–I do not endorse it as a valid objection–is that masks protect others from spittle, which is ejected not only by coughing and sneezing but by speech.

In my opinion, if we still carried hankies to cough and sneeze into as a basic courtesy, whatever little amount of spittle we spread by speech would be so minimal that mask wearing would make no sense.

Secondarily, just as a point of fact, actual scientists dispute whether this virus is even airborne. The vector is more probably touch. So hand and doorknob washing would be more effective at prevention than mask wearing.

(N.B. I only wear a mask when an employee at a business asks me to, and only because thanks to Governor Abbott’s intentionally-sneaky statewide rule, my county has imposed a fine of $1000 to the business owner per violation of customer not wearing a mask, a rule that is still in effect, though I suspect that no law enforcement agencies are enforcing it.)

What is your opinion on the spittle question, Lionell?

If the mask traps the spittle, the spittle will dry out. What then is there to stop the virus from breaking free and traveling directly to your respiratory system. NOTHING!

You, like I, wear a mask because the Government is extorting us to do so and has no constitutional right to do so. The few private business I visit infrequently are also extorted by our Government to require us to wear a mask. I do wear a mask when they request because I do not have the right to add to their liability and for no other reason. I do not expect the mask to be anything but offer resistance to actual breathing and to be totally uncomfortable.

You bring about a good point! Have you ever worn a wool scarf over your face to keep warm in the winter and had it freeze from your breath? It becomes almost impossible to breathe! I can’t WAIT to see how this is going to work this year. I only wear a mask to not be thrown out of a store. Why haven’t there been uncontrolled cases from all the riots when yelling and screaming with all you’ve got in a crowd should infect everyone around you? I see an increasing number of people not covering their nose with the mask and nothing is said to them. The whole thing is an exercise in control and pointless for health reasons.

“…may reduce your chances…”

Somebody in the advertising business must have written that for the study. How many commercials do we see that claim OUR WONDERFUL PRODUCT may (not will) help (not cause) reduce (not eliminate) the chances (what %?) of SOME HORRIBLE DISEASE. Breakfast cereals and prescription drugs are especially guilty of this.

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