Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tries to slow the spread of COVID-19 (again) by closing bars, defined as a businesses that generates at least 51 percent of revenue from alcohol sales. Clever business people, in an effort to keep their employees working and families fed, find ways to dodge the alcohol ratio rules and keep the doors open. Texas Restaurant Association says about 1,500 restaurants had to shut down because the rule “inadvertently” shut them down, putting 35,000 people out of work.
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Bill Whittle Network ยท Bars Become Restaurants to Dodge Texas COVID-19 Closure Rules
21 replies on “Bars Become Restaurants to Dodge Texas COVID-19 Closure Rules”
How about extending ‘happy hour’ …
In PA, dictator Wolf put in a similar declaration except the requirement wasn’t based on revenue but you had to have food in order to order alcohol. So to get around it all the bars and restaurants made special menus with discounted food like a small $1 serving of fries, or even a 5 cent cheese puff so people could get their cheap food and be allowed to order drinks. Wolf wasn’t happy about it though so he has no went so far as to define what a meal is to try and prevent these loopholes. Gov’t officials are really awful people and I would expect these kinds of stupid things from Wolf here in PA but its very disappointing to see even some “republicans” like in Texas doing the same things. It needs to stop and we need more civil disobedience.
We had the same in NY with $1 “Cuomo Fries” until Il Duce cracked down. Now he is threatening to personally “come down there” and pull the liquor licenses of establishments that dare to defy his tyrannical dictates.
The “divine”: acts that are now being performed by an over zealous government is a Miracle of Miracles and demonstrates that the the Left/Progressive/Modern Liberal/Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON)/Statist/Marxist and lets NOT forget FakeNEWS and the Gaggle they called their Party, The NEW Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) with ever GREATER emphasis on MORON is now most definitely ventured into the IDIOT category and completely jumped over Neurotic into a deep state of Psychosis Party. The Party has finally lost their handle on SANITY. The Party of INSANITY is even becoming MORE INSANE in word and deed is breaking down Religious barriers at an astounding rate. BUT, at the wery same time a competing act of Miracles is being performed by individuals and groups that seem to have a much MORE sustainable and direct Path to “DIVINENESS.”
Many years ago there was a stand-up comic routine starring two men named Abbott and Costello. Costello was the straight man and Abbott was the fool. It makes me wonder if there’s any relation.
I think that you got their roles reversed =8^)
Oops. I wondered about that, but the coincidental name was hard to pass up.
My memory fails more frequently with age. Sigh.
Emiseration is the object , our modern day puritans never tire of seeking out and destroying joy and any kind of happiness where ever they find it . We let them get away with calling it science.
Yes, the real Puritans were not totally on board with the concept of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Or at least the happiness of non-Puritans. Fortunately as they moved west into Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, etc., we had other insurgent groups of English, Irish, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, etc. backgrounds to flesh out a more liberty oriented outlook (“don’t tread on me”).
It does seem that there are some people who just cannot or will not leave the rest of us alone. But truth be told, we all probably have some level of “Karen-ness” within us, but it is coupled to some inkling about the Golden Rule and thus we manage to keep our Karen stuffed into the back of our psychic closet (most of the time).
There used to be a much bigger tariff on imported trucks than cars. I watched a ship from Japan being unloaded one day. Hundreds of pickup trucks without beds were driven off. These weren’t classified as trucks they were merely truck parts. The beds came in on another ship. The beds were then put on the trucks. The trucks then qualified as being made in America.
Gov. Abbott has been a little too cute with his built-in loopholes in his decrees. A couple of months ago he issued an edict that cities and counties could not require individual citizens to wear masks. The was ostensibly pro-freedom as no individual could be fined or jailed. But a week later some city attorney somewhere said, “there’s nothing in this order that says we can’t fine businesses for letting people into their establishments without wearing masks.” And Abbott reportedly said: “I wondered how long it would take you to figure that out.”
And so now, in every populous county and/or city has some kind of penalty for businesses that don’t require their customers to wear masks. In my county, a business can be fined $1000 for each “incident.” (I haven’t heard of any business being fined under the county-level fiat, but I haven’t been paying attention. I can tell you that every single business is paranoid about it.)
Sounds like Abbott thought he was being clever again. Only this time, instead of people just being afraid of losing their livelihoods, people actually are losing them.
In the words of Malcolm in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way.” No matter what problems are thrown at us, we find a way to cope and get on. Innovation and the American entrepreneurial spirit. That is what makes this country great. Let’s keep it that way.
I agree! The CA restrictions on guns have been absolute gold to innovators in the firearms industry. From the bullet button to the Freedom latch. Every time they tried to make standard modern sporting rifles unusable, some bright boy looked at their rules and definitions and went, “What if I did THIS?” And presto, another work-around that made their infringement useless.
This is what I get for reading the comments before watching the video!
I just discovered that I basically re-iterated Bill’s arguments about rifle innovations. In detail.
I’d be flattered to think that that means I’m of a mental equivalent with BW, but I am smart enough to know that’s not true…
Steve, I am reminded of a Malcolm Reynolds quote you were planning to use in a talk you were going to give the first time we briefly met at CPAC years ago:
“I aim to misbehave”
Roughly 25 years ago, I spent a week in Ireland near Dublin on a software contract. Some of the best lunches I have ever eaten were served by local pubs. Vastly better than fast food and not nearly as costly. I think it would be a very good thing to copy for bars in the US. It might even mitigate the bad side effects of three martini lunches.
By the way, I am the universal designated driver. I really don’t like the effects of alcohol and avoid it almost totally. Perhaps a glass of a white wine every decade or so.
I just realized that you 3 have perfected the “virtual talk show” model … long before it became the thing that everyone is doing!!
Great Job, Men!!
I haven’t become accustomed to any of this.
I heard one “Bar” has simply removed their higher priced Scotches and Bourbons and tequilas from the shelves for the moment … no more McAllen 18 or McAllen 25 …. They are basically down to well liquors and since they were already selling decent food, that tilted the ratio back to 50+% Food …. Good Thinking right there!!
$12 fries. But it comes w/ a side of beer.
Just don’t try that with chocolate cake, brownies, cookies, etc.
And some people skip the potatoes and put the salt directly into their beer.