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Biden Denies Sex Assault Claim: Is Your Political Rival Presumed Innocent?

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden finally publicly denies Tara Reade’s sex assault claim in an MSNBC Morning Joe interview with Mika Brzezkinski, but he won’t ask the University of Delaware to search his Senate papers for occurrence of Tara Reade’s name…because he claims it isn’t there. Conservatives wanted the presumption of innocence for Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But is your political rival also presumed innocent.

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Bill Whittle Network · Biden Denies Sex Assault Claim: Is Your Political Rival Presumed Innocent?

9 replies on “Biden Denies Sex Assault Claim: Is Your Political Rival Presumed Innocent?”

Show me presumption of innocence in the RED FLAG laws that even our President agrees with. Hell, shoo me the due process.
Our rights are being eroded every day.
And the Supreme Court just passed on 10 2A cases with out comment.
Congress can’t agree on what to have for lunch.
What the hell are we the people to do?

Bombard’s video on body language (YT) noticed that Biden during photo ops (after some Gov. ceremonies) was able to touch and grab the kids and none of the parents seemingly were aware of what he was really doing.She was appalled that the parents did not rescue their kids. In one video, when Biden started towards Jeff Sessions little granddaughter, Sessions slapped his hand away then moved her away as fast he could. Some people know more about Biden than we think!

All I heard during the interview was Biden saying “This never happened.” He did NOT use the first person “I.” He objectified the denial. IMO that was very telling! I watched Biden on YouTube manhandling, groping and grabbing children. Several commenters suggested that he was “grooming” his victims, just as pedophiles do.

This seems like playing a game where your opponent decides the rules for you and the rules for them are different. The Democrats will not change until they get the same (figurative) bloody nose that they gave their opponents. I love Donald Trump trashing the news media. It has been a long time coming. I wish that the news media was even-handed, but that is asking too much of the “fair minded” Democrats that fill its ranks.

It’s actually worse , as usual the Democrats KNEW Kavanagh was innocent but they had multiple game plans , keep investigating with one accusation after another until Trump or Kavanaugh gives up and then accuse the next nominee of something similar in the hope that they can retake the Senate in November and so push confirmation into January where they can stop it. The destruction of his life meant nothing to them the next nominee would face the same buzzsaw and some number of conservative judges would be warmed off to boot.

I’ve only seen the E spelling with the definition that Bill gave. I hadn’t heard of it being nailed to a door (though that makes a lot of sense) but more as a sapper’s charge, dug under a wall. The idea was if you didn’t have the wick or fuse long enough, it would, as Bill mentioned, hoist you when it went off.

Petard is from the French verb peter (to fart), a small explosive meant to do a small job. It always amuses my French friends that we shop at Pet Co and PetsMart in the same way that we Americans chuckle at German Ausfahrts on the Autobahn.

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