Just a month after announcing his presidential candidacy, former Vice President Joe Biden makes himself scarce on the campaign trail, while Sanders, Warren, Gillibrand, Buttigieg and others take to the hustings frequently before peppy crowds. As Gropin’ Joe runs away from running, will he inevitably squander his “inevitability”? Where’s the presumptive frontrunner, and why can’t he generate enthusiasm or large crowds in public appearances…especially when compared with President Trump?
Joe Runs Away from Running: Biden Hidin’ from His Own Campaign
Just a month after announcing his presidential candidacy, former Vice President Joe Biden makes himself scarce on the campaign trail, while Sanders, Warren, Gillibrand, Buttigieg and others take to the hustings frequently before peppy crowds. As Gropin’ Joe runs away from running, will he inevitably squander his “inevitability”?

7 replies on “Joe Runs Away from Running: Biden Hidin’ from His Own Campaign”
It’s the Hillary campaign method. Aka how to lose without really trying.
Great show guys! I must remember to not sip my coffee near at the closings, because Steve you, again, dang near made me spit my coffee on my screen.
The Democratic winning strategy: make sure no one knows anything about you. They want the country to feel a vague sense of familiarity and warmth when they see the name “Joe Biden” on their voting ticket. Any additional information will make people realize how much they actually don’t like the Democratic nominees.
What does it tell you that Democrats’ best strategy is to hide their true selves from the public?
He still can’t keep his pedophile hands off the children
That is hilarious.
“He’s buggered off! So he has!”
Brave Sir Joey ran away
He bravely ran away away
When campaigning reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Joey