Right Angle

Burning up the Road

UPDATE: Changing the re-opening date from “whenever” to “weeks ahead of schedule!” in no way alters the criticisms and concerns laid out in this episode.

*UPDATE: Just hours before this video was to be posted, it was announced, with much fanfare, that the section of I-10 damaged by fire went from “closed indefinitely” to “open immediately.” That said, changing the re-opening date from “whenever” to “weeks ahead of schedule!” in no way alters the criticisms and concerns laid out in this episode.

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12 replies on “Burning up the Road”

That is the Bridge over the Skagit River on I5 freeway. It has been repaired and the clearance problem has been fixed. . .by replacing the section with NO overhead structure. That is on an Interstate Highway!

Ron DeSantis and Florida state workers and local contractors reopened the bridges and causeway to Sanibel Island within a few days after Hurricane Ian. It can be done. First thing is get state regulators out of the way. Doubt that will happen in Cali.

So wait. Uhhh fire hot. Fire heat steel inside concrete. Steel heat treated. Steel weakened. Bridge weakened. Like, a lot. Like, 9/11 a lot. And they’re opening it back up? I mean, new pallets and a few jackstands might help hold it up, but methinks this isn’t a good idea.

We had a couple hundred yards or so of this happen on a major highway – !-85 – in downtown Atlanta. A private company stacked flammables and drug addicts (I think, but don’t quote me) started the fire. If you saw the consequences, you wouldn’t drive on it. Your suspicion is right.

This one is tough for me to place in the proper bucket: typical government stupidity or maliciousness.
I want to know whose company got the deal to store goods there and which elected official got a kick back.
Whoever said that it was bad actors was probably correct. But the bad actors are elected officials and entrenched bureaucrats.

They’re virtue signaling their love for mankind through allowing the homeless to self-implode with drug abuse and schizophrenia and PTSD and whatever, “caring” more about them than cleaning up the mess that caught fire. Meanwhile profiteering like all politicians working in socialist countries do.
The Fire Marshall of Los Angeles no doubt can retire on some insane, public service union-leveraged pension for $999,999.00 per annum. (Seven figures might reek of impropriety.) He may also sue, claiming he is a victim of misplaced blame for this inconvenience, bringing up the fact that global warming is to blame.

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