Kanye West — a performer/producer/entrepreneur with nine consecutive platinum albums and 21 Grammy awards — drops a new album called ‘Jesus is King’ and rocks the entertainment world again. Can Kanye make Christ cool for kids, with songs like ‘Closed on Sundays’ that says, “no more living for the culture”? Can Jesus use this man with a reputation for megalomania in a way that brings glory to the son of God who kept silent before his accusers and humbled himself to the point of death on a cross?
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13 replies on “Can Kanye Make Christ Cool for Kids? Rapper Drops ‘Jesus is King’ Album”
Not a Kanye fan, but if he leads even one soul to God . . .
Bill’s comments reminded me of Eldridge Cleaver, former Black Panther, who had a conversion experience. I pray Kanye is led by God’s Word, taught by the Holy Spirit, and befriended by courageous Christians who love, exhort, and when necessary, rebuke him. Eventually, God intends to bring Kanye safely Home. I look forward to meeting him then.
The left can’t do memes, because a true leftist has no sense of humor.
My “plugged in” Millennial son says that the album is good from a musical standpoint. Despite having several different songs, it’s a really short offering, it has a real Gospel feel, and there’s a positive Chick-Fil-A referrence.
Loved the Chik-Fil-A song.
Me too–speaking as someone who’s very much not into the hip hop genre
God bless him… Maybe take some pressure off of Pro Life, Chik-fil-a, Hobby lobby and other businesses and groups. Scott correct, must still be careful, but let’s keep an open mind to the possibility…. just sayin’
This reminds me of when Bob Dylan became a Christian, and affected his generation… there was a ‘revival’ going on in the 60’s and 70’s, which led to the whole Christian music genre.
Not quite a lasting effect, but it has to be carried individually, even if it is spear-headed by a popular leader.
Definitely praying for Kanye in his journey. He will need divine intervention as he moves forward. The level of hate and mocking of Christians in society today is like I have never seen. Maybe social media brings out the venom. I can not imagine what it will be like for him
As Christian myself, I will be praying for Kanye. To be surrounded by mature Christians, admit and repent when he makes mistakes (and he will), and grow in the Lord. Welcome to the peculiar and hated by the world, Kanye. It’s good company. Flawed, but good.
I am am with you Harry, don’t know much about Kanye, and I have never followed his music, but I am praying this is very real for him and he receives wise counsel as he moves forward. I am not trying to predict anything but I know there are a number of Biblical accounts of people who relentlessly persecuted, mocked and murdered Christians who had very real conversions and went on to help many others in their journey to become believers.
“…but I know there are a number of Biblical accounts of people who relentlessly persecuted, mocked and murdered Christians who had very real conversions and went on to help many others in their journey to become believers.”
Like Saul of Tarsus (aka St. Paul.) God can and will save anyone who turns to Him. God is UNSTOPPABLE!
It signals the rising of the other defined. Not one exists as an individual. They exist only to reflect others.