Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw Episode 1

It’s finally here! Originally an audio-only Daily Wire presentation now available in living color. Episode 1 is FREE.

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | A Pizza Hut Parade – Episode 13

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | The Liberators – Episode 12

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | The Jaws Of Defeat – Episode 11

Join Bill Whittle’s Common-Sense Rebellion

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | Welcome To The Suck – Episode 10

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | Cloaks and Daggers – Episode 9

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | To the Precipice – Episode 8

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | Playa Giron – Episode 7

He faced off against Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama and lived to see the election of Donald Trump. His name was Fidel Castro, and he brought communism to the Western Hemisphere. He would turn his native Cuba into a launching pad for Soviet nuclear missiles, a mere […]

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | We Like Ike – Episode 6

In the years after World War II, Dwight David Eisenhower was arguably the most popular man on the planet. Ike’s prestige was so immense that in 1948, President Harry S Truman offered him the top slot on the 1948 Democratic ticket, with the offer to revert to his former position as Vice President under Eisenhower. It wasn’t enough.

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | Death In The Kremlin – Episode 5

Joseph Stalin, the architect and instigator of the 42-year Cold War, has died five years into the conflict. Across the Atlantic, a new Republican President, who had worked closely with Uncle Joe during World War II, is a mere two months in office. As the knives come out for the succession fight inside the Kremlin, […]

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | The Forgotten War – Episode 4

Although the entire Cold War passed without shots being fired between the two superpowers, the Cold War was anything but bloodless.

Cold War

Ben Shapiro Interviews Bill Whittle about New Cold War Series

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | The Thing Begins – Episode 3

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | Two Bombs – Episode 2

The YouTube embed here has no video, since the series is, in effect, a radio production.

Cold War

The Cold War: What We Saw | An Iron Curtain – Episode 1

In Part 1 of The Cold War: What We Saw, we will peel back the layers of mystery cloaking the Terror state run by the Kremlin, and watch as America takes its first small steps onto the stage of world leadership.