In this segment, Virtual President Bill Whittle examines who pays what under the current system, and what we can do to make our tax code more efficient, more fair, more moral and generate more revenue.

Bill Whittle assumes the mantle of the presidency to address key issues.
In this segment, Virtual President Bill Whittle examines who pays what under the current system, and what we can do to make our tax code more efficient, more fair, more moral and generate more revenue.
In this third installment of the YOUR GOVERNMENT series, Virtual President Bill Whittle discusses ways to improve our ailing educational system.
In this installment of the YOUR GOVERNMENT series, Virtual President Bill Whittle explains why a two-cent aspirin pill costs $20, and how we can replace the waste and inefficiencies of our present system with one that empowers patients to use their own money, just as if it were… their own money.
From In the first of this 11-part series, the Virtual President discusses the need for clear, concise, readable and understandable LEGISLATION as the cornerstone of our system and the first step in reclaiming YOUR GOVERNMENT.
In the first of this 11-part series, Virtual President Bill Whittle discusses the need for clear, concise, readable and UNDERSTANDABLE legislation as the cornerstone of our system of government. Get the latest updates on at
The Virtual President discusses the recent Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage and proposes a simple solution that ensures our Constitutional protections and may leave both sides offended, but free and un-coerced.
Virtual President Bill Whittle takes a question on entitlements at a Virtual Town Hall meeting in Ramona, CA. and explains how the answer to free stuff is BETTER STUFF.
The Virtual President discusses options as war once again threatens the Korean Peninsula.
Virtual President Bill Whittle takes a question on immigration at a Virtual Town Hall meeting located not far from the Mexican border. (That town was Ramona, not Redlands as in the opening graphic — sincere apologies to Ramona Tea’d for my mistake)
The Virtual President concludes his 2013 State of the Union address by showing how voter fraud IS voter suppression, and by calling for a top-to-bottom reform of the US electoral system starting with the argument for Photo ID.
In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control, and delivers the factual evidence and historical truths that make the case for the Second Amendment self-evident. [Created by Bill Whittle, 2013]
The Virtual President outlines the three essential qualities needed for the Pursuit of Happiness in Modern America, and sets a challenge to free entire generations of Americans.