As Nielsen chronicles the CNN ratings plunge, and headlines document the CNN staff purge, what options are left for the pioneer in 24-hour cable news? Will it survive by a resort to actual journalism, or will it continue to follow the mad-dog methods of MSNBC. Are we witnessing the final days of the Cable News Network?
CNN Crisis: With Ratings Plunge and Staff Purge, Can it Survive?
As Nielsen chronicles the CNN ratings plunge, and headlines document the CNN staff purge, what options are left for the pioneer in 24-hour cable news? Will it survive by a resort to actual journalism, or will it continue to follow the mad-dog methods of MSNBC. Are we witnessing the final days of the Cable News Network?

11 replies on “CNN Crisis: With Ratings Plunge and Staff Purge, Can it Survive?”
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy…cuz I’m easy come, easy go…
…every way the wind blows…doesn’t even matter to me
Who knew Freddie prophesied about CNN?
Great segment, guys, but I have to ask: does Steve have to wear a bent cigarette in his ear?
The decline of the news media started when reporters became pros.
These reporters were programmed by liberal college’s into the arrogant belief that people needed to be guided.
So instead of reporting facts as they were. They gave conclusions they liked along with the facts that fit.
I won’t waste my time with CNN. I despise facts used to lie.
As long as we cooperate with emotionally and fantasy driven positions, we too are doomed. Reality is what it is and any attempt to fake it will, sooner or later, fail. Often into a fully developed catastrophe.
It’s much like Wiley Coyote who remains suspend over the abyss until he realizes that he is not on solid ground. Then he plummets to the rocky bottom. However, he lives in a cartoon. Reality is not as forgiving as a cartoon. The plummeting begins without delay and you fall without having to realize you are standing on thin air. Reality is immediately and always what it is without delay.
In my dream, Trump buys CNN, renames it to TNN, steals all the good reporters from Fox, and puts on actual news, including long form debates on important topics.
CNN has been sucking on it’s own exhaust for years.
Bill still has not read my post about what intersex is? That’s a problem.
So they are getting rid of anyone old enough and wise enough to ask the right questions and spell check the reports. What could possibly go wrong.
They are also getting rid of the people that know how all the technology works.
If I were running CNN, the first thing I’d do is change the initials to BBS and add the following James Earl Jones voice-over, “This is BBS, the Biased Broadcast System – the news the way we want it.”
From CNN to Rogue One, heck of a tie in.
Steve, you got one thing wrong. “Schadenfreude” doesn’t apply to people who’ve declared you to be their sworn enemy.