Bill Whittle Now

COVID Killer: But Pfizer’s Touted 90% Effective Vaccine Faces Massive Obstacles

With about half the country still on the Trump train, and trust in government health officials at a low ebb among them, could resistance by the president’s base slow the coming day when we can all take off these masks?

Just 5 days after the election Pfizer announces a COVID-19 vaccine that’s 90% effective. But to stop the pandemic through herd immunity, 75% of the public must volunteer to take the shot? With about half the country still on the Trump train, and trust in government health officials at a low ebb among them, could resistance by the president’s base slow the coming day when we can all take off these masks?

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Bill Whittle Network · COVID Killer: But Pfizer’s Touted 90% Effective Vaccine Faces Massive Obstacles

31 replies on “COVID Killer: But Pfizer’s Touted 90% Effective Vaccine Faces Massive Obstacles”

Those who have had the virus and recovered should have sufficient antibodies and not require a vaccination. That would reduce the number to be vaccinated by many.

there is a relatively inexpensive test to find out if you have antibodies. Those who have recovered from the virus should have antibodies. Why vaccinate them? Save the vaccine for those who have not.

Plenty of politicians are degenerate, but Andrew Cuomo’s comments on withholding the vaccine, essentially holding the country hostage until Biden is able to take charge, are absolutely evil.

Bring it, I’m good. I’ll take that vaccine the instant it becomes accessible to me. I want a receipt too, so I can shove it in the faces of those who insist I wear a mask. Because

If the purpose of the mask is to protect YOU from ME so that you don’t catch the Kung Flu from ME … Then if I’m vaccinated there’s no point in me wearing a mask to protect others. That’s the reason that the masks were mandated, it’s the only reason that mandating masks works. Because it takes the risk away from me and puts it on you, whom the cowardly claim I have no right to put at risk — Whether the risk is real and significant or not.

Which means that any risk in not wearing a mask accumulates solely to me and I’m willing to accept that risk.

This “you have no right to do this to me” is the reason the left has glommed onto in order to perpetrate all sorts of nonsense. It’s what they’ll use against you if a single payer National Health system is implemented. As in “You have no right to eat potato chips because you’re making the rest of us pay for your care when you have a heart attack”.

I have a problem with “risk aversion”. Not the way you’d probably think. The opposite. I have taken risks all my life and obviously I’ve overcome them because I’m sitting here typing this. I never thought I’d live this long (if I had I’d have taken better care of myself), I look at the data, I weigh the odds, I create a plan of action and act. The “risk aversion” thing has been burned out of my psyche. All I have now is “is the risk acceptable or not” and the bar for that is pretty high.

I don’t take stupid risks. For example — In the military I was jump qualified. I made exactly the number of jumps it took to qualify and stay qualified. Not a single one more. If I had to jump to do my job I would do so with exact proficiency (I never had to). The idea of leaving a properly functioning aircraft in flight for fun seems ridiculous to me.

I don’t see any disqualifying risk in taking a vaccine that has been tested and released. I’m not an “anti-vaxxer” by any stretch of the imagination. I’m not afraid of the Pfizer vaccine because I see no reason to BE afraid of it. The political circumstances of its inception, development and distribution are political, not scientific. The science is the same for this vaccine as any other, it’s only the red tape that’s been truncated in order to address a supposedly serious public health issue. Excessive red tape is not a safety contributor.

So bring me that shot or shots ASAP. I’ll be happy to take it. Actually I won’t be “happy”, I hate being vaccinated and I have had a LOT more vaccinations than the average citizen. In this case the reward far outweighs any risk …

Bring it on and do so as quickly as possible. That ends any right, whether it’s respected or not. for anyone to say I have to wear a mask to protect other people and THAT ends the right to tell me what to do regarding masks.

If I have had the disease, i.e. measles, chickenpox, mumps, etc. I do not need the vaccine. I have sufficient antibodies against the disease. I read recently that those who have had a fairly robust case of the covid, have sufficient antibodies. So why waste needed vaccinations on them. There is even a blood test to see what your antibody level is. And, having had the disease or having had the vaccination requires the wearing of a mask is absolute idiocy. Once you are immune you cannot get the disease nor can you transmit it. Good grief.

Bravo, Gentlemen. So many good points made! This whole mess is all about FEAR. Because if you can make people afraid and KEEP them afraid, then they’re so much easier to CONTROL. And in my opinion, fear is one of the devil’s best tools — so consider where this “tool” comes from and who is using it. Don’t give in to constant, needless fear — it makes you weaker.

But we’re not really safer at home. I don’t know what percentage, but a lot of people die at home. You’re far better off outside. /sarc (sort of)

When the “village idiot” read that all accidents happen within 25 miles of home — he moved! (LOL)

I appreciate your conclusion, and have felt the same toward those cowering in fear of this bug. I genuinely feel sorry for them. What a terrible way to live, hiding in your basement, peering out the windows, afraid to go buy bananas because casual contact with a neighbor is likely to kill you. Wow….
I’ve been asked by occasional acquaintances if I’m “hunkering down”, in a tone presuming that surely I would do so. I tell them, “NO! I’m living life to the full legal limit!”. This has interesting responses, usually just baffled blinking as they struggle to comprehend this.
America is the land of the free, the home of the brave. Not the land of the locked down and the home of the cowardly. America was founded by bold people of vision, crossing the vast Atlantic sea in creaky wooden ships, to carve out a life in an untamed new land. This is the very antithesis of living in “maximum risk aversion”.
When I part from someone, I often hear a sober admonition “Well, be safe!”, expecting I will commiserate and say the same. I don’t. I generally say, “Thanks, but I’d rather be brave.”. Sometimes that leads to this very conversation!

Y’all can stick that vaccine right up yer pelvic cavity.

Not because the vaccine contains anything physically malicious. The vaccine is a vector for a moral pathogen, not a bodily one.

Our hope is that everything will go back to normal as soon as we get jabbed. What a perverse thing to hope; that once we’ve been conditioned to accept that Liberty is conditional, then we may have our Liberty back.

I don’t blame the shadow men behind this scheme. There are always shadow men. It’s rational to become a shadow man if you have the means for it. Being a shadow man is probably pretty neat.

I blame everybody else (myself included). Conditional Liberty is apparently good enough for us. I guess in the end we’ll get what we bloody well deserve.

Scott, where your argument REALLY falls apart is that a lot of us Trump supporters got NO problem with a vaccine. It’s just that a lot of the loudest voices on the topic are Trump supporters.
And there are a lot of anti-vaxers on the far left as well.

My grandson’s birthday is this coming Friday. Every year since he was born, my son (the older of two) has put together a big birthday party for him. There have always been somewhere between 20 and 30 people attending.

This year, “COVID being what it is,” (he told me in a text), there will be no party. Instead, there will be a sort of dinner celebration at his house with a total of about four guests, plus him, his wife, and my grandson.

Since the arrival of COVID-19, my son has been one of those frightened kittens who believes that the only alternatives are to “stay home or die gasping” (another quote, from one of his texts in the spring). I’m shocked that he’s even having the small dinner thing. I’m invited (as an afterthought, as always, but that’s a long, boring story that doesn’t belong here), and I’ve indicated that I’ll attend, but I’m not actually going. (I have a ready, authentic excuse as I’ve been having serious muscle problems in my legs – under investigation – often leaving me barely able to move).

I could call him out on his hypocrisy in having any guests at all since, as he believes, there’s a near certainty that they’ll all mutually sentence each other to inevitable, gruesome death. There’s no point to that, though, as in this matter he is impenetrable to all reason – he has had many other guests over the past nine months and has visited many others, yet still clings to his terror.

I would move away from Pennsylvania to self-segregate to a place where people aren’t socialist sheep but I stay for my grandchildren (two girls and a boy). I’m the only source of sanity for them – I effectively, by myself, raised the older girl for the first 6 of her 11 years – and I love them far more than enough not to give them up to the madness surrounding them. I’m not optimistic about succeeding at that; still, I remain.

Just Biden? I’ve got a whole long list of people we can test the vaccine on… That said, I’d take this vaccine due to the amount of scar tissue I have in my lungs related to years of flu and bronchitis – I simply can’t afford to develop more. I won’t, however, take Bill Gate’s vaccine and you can take that one to the bank.

Pfizer cannot be trusted. The timing of the announcement is totally suspicious. Trump did not promise them enough graft and corruption so they are betting on the Biden Crime Syndicate to deliver.

Democrats should stand in line to volunteer to test the vaccine for the rest of us. Will they? If you believe yes, I have some lost gold mine stock to sell you real cheap. Only $100 a share for a 1000 shares – payment in advance. Then all you have to do is find the gold mine and it is all yours.

~4:30 “…and that’s their right as Americans to vote for that stuff.”

No, it’s not. There’s no such thing as the right to vote away the rights of others. That’s precisely why we don’t have pure majority rule in this country.

A whole lot of people have gotten sick, and recovered. They now have antibodies and immunity, at least for a time. Why do they have to keep wearing masks? Why do they have to keep social distance? The fact that they do tells me that all this stuff it bs.

It’s more than half the country that’s “still” on the Trump train. Trump didn’t lose any support, he only gained. That’s obvious since his rallies had more people in 2020 than in 2016.
With that said, No. Never. I don’t care about some silly “vaccine” against a disease that would most likely not even kill me, and especially not my kids.

Safety first! Safe safe safe! Risk aversion run wild, wrap yourself in bubble wrap, hide in your basement and extend your life. Never mind the lack of contact with other humans, and what that does to our spirit. Never mind the depression, loss of income, substance abuse and such, it is all about safety! Quality of life after all is second to how long we live, safety first! So get into your pen of safety little lambs, your friends in government will tell you when you can leave…if ever.

I am in the high range of co-morbidity, since I have COPD, diabetes, and high blood pressure and am 75. Back in September of 2019, I was in the hospital with viral pneumonia that went septic. The doctors told me if I hadn’t come in, I probably would have been dead in 3 days. They didn’t know what it was and this was just before Covid was known. With oxygen and intravenous antibiotics, I was released in 2 days but was weak for a few more. I am not frighten by Covid and probably won’t take the vaccine since I’ve never had the flu or flu shot in my life, except for whatever I had last year. The only time I wear a mask is if I have to to shop in a store. Don’t get me wrong. I want to live as long as I can, but if it happens, it happens. I have lived a good life and have no regrets.

OK, here are some facts about that Pfizer trial:

  • press brags about the vaccine being supposedly 90% effective, yet the CEO only said ‘this is very promising, very exciting’; no actual stats given
  • they had 44,000 participants, but the purported results (as nobody has been shown the actual data yet) are based on only 94 persons, who developed Covid

Here is a direct quote from the Reuters’ Pfizer press release article: ‘Still, over 90% effectiveness implies that no more than 8 of the 94 people who caught COVID-19 had been given the vaccine’.
I had to re-read it 3 times to make sure I understood what they were saying, because my mind just kept refusing to accept the idiocy of that statement. These ‘over 90%’ were not vaccinated, but since only 10% of those who got sick got the vaccine that makes the vaccine 90% effective ?!?! In WHAT UNIVERSE is this the conclusion one comes to after looking at these facts? I know that math and science are no longer being taught in American schools, but for crying out loud, this is just ridiculous.
What this release proves is that the HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM is at least over 90% successful in fighting the supposed virus, and might have been even higher had they not destroyed it with this vaccine, but never let facts get in the way of the truth, as the liberal mantra goes.
Isn’t it also very curious, that the Pfizer CEO never directly gave any numbers, never even declared any concrete results; everything was flowery generalities. And then, completely coincidentally, just a few hours later, when the stock shot up on the news, he sold $5.5 million of his shares. Wonder why? Now that makes no sense at all if you’ve even a little business sense, and given his position, I’m sure he does. Wouldn’t you want to hang on to the stock now, knowing that this ‘global civilization savior’ you created will make it probably 10 or 100 times more valuable?!
So, I call complete and utter bullshit on this vaccine!

You can take your vaccine and shove it up your collective asses. This is a damn flu virus that is primarily targeted at elderly and otherwise immunocompromised individuals.

If the vaccine causes the body to make antibodies, and the current virus tests test for antibodies, how do we track the progress of infections caused by environmental exposure versus vaccine caused positives?

This Pfizer product is an mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine, so it does not contain viral cells at all.

  • ‘the mRNA goes to your immune cell’s ribosomes and tells them to create the virus antigen (identifying protein). That antigen would then be recognized by your immune system, and the cells of the immune system would create the antibodies you need to fight off the virus. This skips the need for you to be infected, and the immune cells to find the virus, process it, and present the viral antigens to your immune system’.

With a standard (so far), viral vaccine, at least your body has something to fight against, when the immune response is induced – the actual viral particles, usually dead but not always.
With this mRNA vaccine, your body is getting tricked into thinking these artificially created antigens, or toxins, are an attacker that needs to be killed, so it goes to work, churning out the immune response. Only, there is no real virus there to fight. But the ‘green light to war’ stays on. So, what will it fight? Will it look for something else to focus its attention on? That’s how autoimmune diseases develop.
There is no telling what the consequences of this might be, but a clearly foreseeable one is a huge increase in autoimmune diseases, where your body is stuck in a constant state of war with what it perceives as an ongoing assault. Another is a total destruction of auto-immunity, leaving a person utterly open to any immune attack, and susceptible to smallest infection.
This type of vaccine is messing with your genetic make-up and cell functions, without having any clue about, or foresight into, possible genetic damage stemming from this manipulation. And, as you pointed out, there is still no way to say whether it was the vaccine or your own immune systems all on its own, as it did for millennia, that made the antibodies that fought the virus off.
The evil genius of this whole proposition is inescapable. Is it accidental, or a self-fulfilling prophecy? The probability of the force is just about the same as all the ‘system glitch switched votes’ accidentally flipping to democrats.

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