With the signing of Heartbeat Laws in Alabama and Georgia (ironically, right after New York and Virginia passed fourth trimester abortion), The abortion debate is once again taking center stage. Social media has been flooded with memes, videos, advocating for both sides, leading to conversations on the subject. I’ve been involved in a couple myself.
One of the videos is George Carlin, sneering at the idea that life is of value. I suppose in his world-view, wherein we’re just bags of chemicals and electricity, that it’s true. I disagree with that assessment. Among other things, it’s utterly lacking in imagination. I find it interesting that both times I’ve seen the video in this forum, it was posted by men who are parents.
It mystifies me that a father can look at his children and believe that at some point, they were less than human. The mental gymnastics required to argue in favor of abortion are amazing. Those on that side of the debate say it’s about choice, as though the virtue is in the choosing, rather than in what is being chosen. And they tend to frown upon choices that don’t lead to abortion.
The attitude of casual nihilism permeating our society saddens me. We’re murdering by the millions, and it’s just part of the background noise. I’ve said it before; this is what a dying civilization looks like. In one exchange, a guy agreed that abortion was murder, but better that, than make a twelve-year-old rape victim carry to term.
The Pro-Aborts always go to the most extreme examples for justification. Rape, incest and the mother’s health collectively comprise less than five percent of all abortions. The rest are done for convenience, and advocating for that doesn’t sound noble. And for the Left, it’s all about appearances.
Everything they advocate and stand for leads to misery and death, but they see themselves as the champions of human freedom. How can you reason with zealots? Abortion is the Left’s Sacrament. Oppose it at your own peril. All hail death.
4 replies on “Dancing With Death”
What also amazes me is that while they argue in favor of the murdering of an innocent and helpless life in the womb, they also fight against the death penalty for vile criminals. They rant about kids being killed in schools, but if we don’t agree to their worthless gun control demands, they seek no other solutions. The democrat party has become the party of death and have succumbed to the lies of Satan.
Interesting thought: “It mystifies me that a father can look at his children and believe that at some point, they were less than human.”
The corollary that occurred to me (thanks to you) is: “At what point can a father say ‘No, he’s not mine yet. Maybe when he has detectable brain waves.'” Or would a father say that his child was always and will always be his child. Bless those generous men.
Those who do not know God have clouded minds that not capable of logical moral reasoning….
“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”
– Romans 1:28-32
That sounds exactly like the abortion crowd, doesn’t it?
Indeed. We’re truly living in enemy territory. Come quickly, Jesus.