BW Member Blog

Dry Run

I’m just wondering. Could all this chaos be in reality be a dry run leading up to the election. Biden and others have mentioned their concern Trump would delay the election. Legally, we know that’s not possible. But what if the riots return in full force on or just before Election Day to intimidate or influence voters to the point that national guard have to maintain order. Possibly causing the postponement or delay of Election Day. Even “justifying” mail in voting. Thoughts?

2 replies on “Dry Run”

There are various blue state governors, my own (California) in particular, which are promoting vote-by-mail.
Anything they can do to sustain the lockdown just adds to their perceived case for this..

Since the Bush/Gore election it seems that each election has come closer to failing. If there is going to be election chaos, then 2020 has the biggest chance of it so far. I see dead people. LOL

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