I sorta feel bad posting this having just watched the BW Now ep on the current Youtube unpleasantness but..
I know Bill likes these guys. And this is their best work so far. IMAO
I sorta feel bad posting this having just watched the BW Now ep on the current Youtube unpleasantness but..
I know Bill likes these guys. And this is their best work so far. IMAO
5 replies on “Epic Rap Battles of History”
Meanwhile I’m over at Chick-Fil-A….
Seriously, though, I’ve always preferred Burger King to McDonald’s–going to the local one used to be a highlight of my childhood, back when we were too poor to afford regular restaurants. It’s just a shame they decided to come down on the side of throwing milkshakes at political opponents.
I haven’t been to either in forever. And the last time I went’ to McD’s, all I got was the fries.
Wendy’s OTOH, there’s one down the street from work, and they got the $5 Biggy Bag. Which is a perfectly acceptable food like substance once, maybe twice, a week when I’m trying to save monies.
I laughed. Thanks.
They’re all nasty. It’s a three way tie for last place.
But ya gotta admit that the ERBoH guys’ Burger King is way less creepy than the actual BK mascot on TV.