BW Member Blog

Favorite Web Cams

Anybody have favorite web cams they visit? With all the streaming cams now days there are some amazing things to watch real time. One of my favorites is the Duluth Shipping Canal (Duluth MN). My wife and I spent quite a bit of time in Duluth in the late 70’s early 80’s and absolutely love the area. The shipping canal, during the shipping season, regularly has ships coming in from all over the place picking up loads and dropping loads. The site that hosts the cams is run by a local guy who knows his stuff and includes several cams from around the area. This is an interesting time of year (if you like this stuff) because the shipping season is just starting after the thaw begins.  The first ice breakers and making their way to Duluth from points North.  Here is the site for your exploration:

Here is a vid posted of two of the first Coast Guard Cutters that arrived last night.


4 replies on “Favorite Web Cams”

Oh, wow, this is a subject groaning with the weight of riches. There are thousands of these, how to choose?

There are also the “inadvertent” ones…security cameras that are not secured correctly and are wide-open to the public and can be found with a simple search engine query. They can be quite a game, as well, as their physical location and sometimes even their country of origin can be hard to find.

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