BW Member Blog


I have been seeing a ton of fear mongering on Facebook on how Republicans are trying to ban all abortions and how now, in Ohio, an 11 year old girl was raped and now must carry her child to term because of the heartbeat bill.

Let me say that first and foremost, I am pro-life. I can understand certain cases but even in those, I don’t believe that a child should be killed because of the sins of the father.

I have also seen a lot of fear mongering on Facebook about how the Democrats are trying to ban all guns or trying to usurp power from a duly elected president.

I am fervently pro-second amendment because I know that we did not fight a war against a tyrannical king JUST so we could hunt.

I have told BOTH sides of the isle that this idiotic fear mongering does nothing but cause a bigger divide between us and that is exactly what the elites in our government want. If they can keep us distracted by squabbling amongst ourselves, we won’t pay attention to the slight of hand they use as they steal more power from the people.

As a remedy, I tell them to get involved. Get involved in your city government. Get involved in your county government, your state government and your federal government. If there is something you don’t agree with, call your representative.

Spouting off on Facebook doesn’t do anything. Scaring people doesn’t help. Scaring POLITICIANS DOES!


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