BW Member Blog


Well, Bill & Company, I finally took the plunge and I joined. I have watched Bill for years now. He is a superstar for the Conservative movement…2nd only (IMO) to Rush Limbaugh. But now I have decided to help with the fight, because I see that the threat to Conservatism is the same threat to Christianity. In fact, the threats to the liberties of both Christians and Conservatives are also the same threats to atheists and even Liberals themselves. Free speech is fundamental to a thriving and free country. I am witnessing an ever growing assault on Free Speech every day. And I can no longer stand aside and continue to watch that assault grow stronger without any pushback. So, here I am…pushing back by joining your cause.

6 replies on “Finally”

Well, I appreciate the warm welcome! And, I appreciate the knowledge that I am not alone! I always knew that I wasn’t, but it’s nice to see it for real.

Welcome! Thanks for joining in our cause. As you eruditely note, it is the cause of every American citizen, whether they acknowledge it or not.

We’re so glad you’re here, Will! Welcome!

You’re right. If we don’t push back, we’ll be bulldozed into submission. We need to fight back, with everything in our arsenal.

Thank you for being a part of our ammo.

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