BW Member Blog

Fiscal Conservatism Dead: ?

I just finished watching today’s program talking about “Fiscal Conservatism” and if it is still operable here in the USA as well as elsewhere. The biggest question or concern that I have gleaned from Bill and Scotty”s discussion was not only the size of our ‘National Debt’, how it can be paid down, and IF it can even be done. 

The thought is that if ‘WE’ the current generation and even the next don’t make the hard choices to reign in out-of-control government spending then the likelihood of us EVER doing so gets less and less each passing fiscal year. If left alone, the debt will invariably continue to grow until it surpasses a point where even the payments on the interest on all the loans given to the USA WILL  default and if the USA’s debt defaults the GLOBAL ECONOMY will ALL come crashing down at which time the population of the planet will have no other option than to forgo any genuine claim to national sovereignty and EVERYONE still alive at the time will have no choice but to capitulate and submit.     

The thought of descendants having live through all that will lead up to that is disturbing to say the very least. However, as an “evangelical Christian” who has pretty much all my life (since 7-8yrs then more so in my late teens onward), I know a time is coming when there will be a millennial period of essentially Heaven on Earth. That is my faith and what I believe can all be found in the pages of the Holy Bible (aka God’s H.S. inspired Word). This doesn’t in any way release this generation of our responsibility to be good stewards of the planet and work as hard and as best we can to NOT leave a huge, unpayable debt to those who come after us. Anyway, those are just some thoughts I had this morning.  

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