Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan got cheers and applause from a Fox News tax-day townhall audience. Has the GOP lost the battle against single-payer, government-run, health care, within its own ranks?
Fox News Audience Cheers Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Plan
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan got cheers and applause from a Fox News tax-day townhall audience. Has the GOP lost the battle against single-payer, government-run, health care, within its own ranks?

10 replies on “Fox News Audience Cheers Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Plan”
Amen. Health care is not the prerogative of the federal government. National defense, border control, federal law enforcement and regulation of commerce are. Period. Everything else is an attempt by politicians to take your salary for whatever they want it for. Socialists like AOC and Sanders are the most blatant about it. Fox is now owned by Disney…remember Star Wars and think about that. Bernie’s plan will actually ban all health insurance except for government insurance, and you will have to use government insurance “only” no matter what you want personally. That’s a form of tyranny. Health Care is a government program only in socialists’ minds who want to grow the government’s power to take ever more control of people’s lives. Government-run anything is vastly inefficient and soon becomes a rationing program, not a real one. Go to the DMV and you’ll see the kind of customer service socialism brings to healthy care. A provider can never make more, so they will only do as little as required. That’s socialism. It is one of the primary and first ways the Communist manifesto takes control of capitalist countries–its in their actual documents. And too many Americans fall for it on the false promise of “free” stuff. My property (and money) are mine; they are NOT Bernie’s or the government’s to spend. We give them what is reasonable for the common good, but they do not own our stuff. I think this must be opposed vehemently and by any means necessary. The American people will not go willingly into the grave of Communism. There will be a fight first. And it won’t be a rhetorical one.
The government (in this country) is only here to protect individual rights. It’s not doing that right now.
Fox News is not the bastion of conservatism it once was…
Cut away all then Lies, Deceits and Misinformation about UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, the icing on the cake is that Democratic Socialism (OXYMORON), the Party that supports Democratic rustic Socialism (OXYMORON) , the “true believers” and legion of Babbling Talking Mouths support a system that is myopic, delusional and very destructive. M. Tatcher said it best, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” History proves the point over and over again and the consequences are nowhere near GOOD.
“Ignorance is NEVER an EXCUSE for STUPIDITY.”
Scott’s close was spot on, they don’t care.
Bill’s point about messaging is true, too. We have allowed the false equivocation of Health Insurance to Health Care. Case in point. I have a friend who is a local sheriff’s deputy. He has very good health insurance benefits, including dental. He had not been to the dentist in over 5 years. He didn’t go to the doctor until he was very ill the last time. If you don’t go to the doctor or dentist.
I am dealing with health care and insurance on three levels. My elderly mother and in-laws, my wife and I and our college aged daughter. We have very different levels of need, but single payer would be one size fits all.
It makes no sense.
If we went back to simply paying for basic services it would be a start.
I don’t exist to be a battery to power government robots. The Matrix was exactly on point in this.
Bill, the simple retort to a question about Socialized medicine is “I don’t want it because I don’t hate old people.”
To fix a problem late last night, I had to rollback the website time machine about 48 hours, thus de-posting several items, and irretrievably losing the comments on them. I apologize.
Ah, thanks for letting us know. I was wondering what had happened.
Hopefully whoever is responsible for the error has been sacked, and that the website has been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute