Right Angle

Gallup Poll: 40% in USA Now Support Socialism, Super-Majority of Democrats

What has changed in recent decades to swing the tide of popular opinion so that 40% in USA now support socialism? Far more Democrats say that Socialism would be a good thing, while most Republicans disagree. Are we one election away from Atlas Shrugged?

What has changed in recent decades to swing the tide of popular opinion so that 40% in USA now support socialism? Far more Democrats say that Socialism would be a good thing, while most Republicans disagree. Are we one election away from Atlas Shrugged?

13 replies on “Gallup Poll: 40% in USA Now Support Socialism, Super-Majority of Democrats”

Bill, Jordan Peterson has stated that even if some millennial was a paragon of virtue and could enact socialism “the right way” to usher in the socialist utopia, there would be a line of evil actors standing right behind that millennial waiting to put a bullet in their head so that they could seize power.

Imagine this, you have one guy standing on a shoreline, we’ll call him R, and another on a boat heading out to sea, we’ll call him D. According to D, he’s not going further to the left, R is going further to the right.

So your wrong Steve, the republicans are moving more and more to the right… from the view of the democrats.

With Steve’s closing line, I hope we don’t get into the situation where (to paraphrase and twist a line from Demolition Man) all zoos are Taco Bell.

Yes, first you have to abolish government schools that now lobotomize kids so they can’t think straight; until then, mandate that students spend their Spring break, not in Ft Lauderdale, but in Venezuela (I’d suggest N. Korea, but they’d likely never be able to return sane/alive from there).

My take is that it that “Socialism is an easier way of having things.” Not “A nicer way of having things.” It’s easy becassue you get “free’ stuff from the state withiout effort on your part. Nothing about socialism is nice. It is the evil of the powerful state confiscating the results of your labor to buy the loyalty of all.

The left is not saying the Venezuela got socialism wrong but that sanctions, sabotage and military build up Broke it. This is always their go to explanation and even the libertarian anarchists buy the argument. In reality there are no sanctions just western businesses just declining to be ripped off. The sabotage is not real, its just normal depreciation and break downs but the party spent the depreciation funds (capital) on stuff for the party faithful. And the military build up came way later than the leftist kids in the USA or Australia were told. Someone needs to do a fire wall on depreciation funds.

The thing these folks who believe socialism means “free stuff”, don’t understand that even with the best implementation, it means that when you stick your hand out for your free stuff, most of the time, the government will say, “No”. No, because the government will simply tell you that you can’t get it, because we can’t give it to everyone else. In the worst case, they will say no, because your class doesn’t have sufficient privilege… the most likely situation with our current state of identity politics.

There is no Republican Party. GHW Bush buried it with ” LIP MY LIPS NO NEW TAXES.” Then the Reagan Legacy died. The Party is now the RINIO WHIG Do NOTHING far too often DEMOCRATIC Socialist (OXYMORON) liters.

Conservatives are having a smaller and smaller role.

“Ignorance is NEVER An excuse for STUPIDITY.

K-12 and downwards to Higher Education isa no longer ab out learning but, rather Indoctrination through Propaganda where is primary m mission isa to create Social Warrior Activists.

This is no surprise. America has embraced some form of socialism for over 75 years! The date was January 11, 1944 and Franklin D Roosevelt broadcast his infamous “Second Bill of Rights Speech”, which you can see for yourself on the ‘tube. This speech should have gotten FDR impeached! But the die was cast and the delusion was too strong for the sheep to resist. The party of evil has embraced the dark side for generations. I once asked Whittle and his nemesis if socialism is immoral. Their answer was unanimous and unequivocal; Yes! Since Democrats are oblivious to another evil plank hiding in plain sight in their own party platform, it’s inevitable that they can’t see the immorality of socialism. It’s a self-evident truth that socialism is immoral, so it’s only natural for Democrats to embrace it. There’s another short clip on the ‘tube called “You should know this”, which gives a much better definition of “left” and “right”. Bill is right. The utopian omelet of Socialism is built on the cracked eggs of the people by those in power. Steve, I prefer the “Titanic” quip, “I’ll see you at the stern.”

I read somewhere that that survey sample for this was 1000 respondents. Given that small of a sample, I’m not losing too much sleep over this, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be vigilant.

Steve, that’s awesome that you & Melissa watch “When Harry Met Sally” every year – Sister Babe and I do that too! Our reason is a little bit more specific. New Year’s Eve 2009 we were at the same restaurant but didn’t meet that night, even though the place was relatively small. Me & my buddies were at the bar while she and her friends were at a table, probably passed right by each other a few times. We met three months later, and when we learned about that we decided that if we wound up getting married we’d get dressed up and make one of those elderly couple vignettes. We used that video to announce our engagement!
Funny end note, one of my buddies I was with that night & one of Sister Babe’s friends who was with her wound up meeting through us & are now married too. They did not do a video like we did though.
But what a damned great movie!

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