What do the Canadian wildfires and the second Trump indictment have in common? Both are the product of stupid, venal, incompetent elitist idiots who are elected but who do not GOVERN.
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5 replies on “Governance”
Several of my sports teams have lost games based on 1 or 2 bad calls. I finally realized that REAL champions don’t let things get close enough to that they can lose a game based on 1 or 2 bad calls. The very fact that America even has a Demonrat Party with more than a few hundred members demonstrates that we are no longer real champions. —
The handwriting is on the wall. We are far past the point of no return. America is zombified, i.e. already assassinated. The sewer rats will most likely be Clintonized, or Jeffrey Epsteined. Our traitor-infested, conscience-free, deep state will do anything to ensure he isn’t permitted to become president again.
Who do the liberals fear the most? I thought Zo would say it should be us. Wwrrroonnnggg. Zo says it should be God. The fact that it is not God or us is a major problem. The fact that most Americans can’t even imagine holding the Dems accountable is a problem. The fact that God could be giving us another “teachable moment” any day now doesn’t occur to them.
The problem, of course, is that people keep voting for stupid, venal, incompetent, elitist idiots. The reasons behind this are manifold and you’ve touched on some, but cracks are beginning to appear in the armor. It will take an enormous amount of work, but the republic can be saved. The question is, are “we” too lazy to put in the required effort.
The fact that Alfonzo thinks Trump doesn’t understand who the enemy is now, after what they are doing to him, makes me wonder about his acumen…
We need to be careful and realize that the US president is really not all that powerful in the checks and balances scheme of things*. Almost all of our (pre Obama/ pre Biden) problems were/are from failures of the Congress to legislate properly and wisely. Their fecklessness supposedly reflects the political wishes (aka greedy passions) of the people, but leadership is supposed to explain why and how things need to be corrected and the rest of us are supposed to be intelligent and educated enough to debate and work through the pros and cons of those ideas/ proposals.
The president has the bully pulpit and more impact/ influence in foreign affairs, but is not directly responsible (by himself) for our level of debt, the actual or potential underfunding of DOD, and overfunding of the entitlement and other discretionary programs. Clearly Biden and the Dem’s are failing to secure the border and flushing a lot of money to their NGO and related friends via some of this legislation, but it comes out of (excessively long and complicated) legislation first. We need better governance in Congress, too. [And whatever we may think about McConnell, we can thank our lucky stars he kept Garland off of the SCOTUS!!].
And around minute 10 Zo comes through and says much the same thing as I did above. Great minds! “The key is cultural!” Without incorporating conservative ideas into the culture, “your political representation will have nothing to stand on!!!” Bravo, Zo!! Much the same can be said of the presidential candidates/office holders and the members of the judiciary, but they cannot do all that much without a supportive drive via legislation.
And then Bill says about minute 13 “I don’t know how you don’t sell freedom?” And “it could be the Congress”. So, for a mere $109/year I was able to bribe (I mean induce) these two fine gentlemen to espouse my points of view! Great ROI.
I am no longer sure just how free our elections can be, but if we (in certain selected states) don’t get fair and legal voter rolls and election procedures in place and ensured, we may not be able to achieve electoral college majorities. Then we must push for Congressional dominance by conservative Republicans, as those ballots are probably much harder to control across 435 + 33 contests.
*This position is also propounded by George Friedman, President of Geopolitical Futures.