Right Angle

Greta Thunberg: The Progressive Use and Abuse of Teen Climate Activist-Actor

Greta Thunsberg’s dramatic performance before the United Nations and the U.S. Congress raises disturbing questions about the Progressive use and abuse of children for political purposes. What possessed FoxNews to apologize for, and then ban, guest Michael Knowles of, after he accurately mentioned that the teen Thunberg suffers mental illness. Et tu, FoxNews?

Greta Thunsberg’s dramatic performance before the United Nations and the U.S. Congress raises disturbing questions about the Progressive use and abuse of children for political purposes. What possessed FoxNews to apologize for, and then ban, guest Michael Knowles of, after he accurately mentioned that the teen Thunberg suffers mental illness. Et tu, FoxNews?

36 replies on “Greta Thunberg: The Progressive Use and Abuse of Teen Climate Activist-Actor”

When one side avidly supports killing unborn (and born) children, it’s not a stretch to believe they’d use a mentally disabled 16 yr old to promote their lies.

From what I’ve read, she has asperger syndrome which is defined as a developmental disorder characterized by severely impaired social skills, repetitive behaviors, and often, a narrow set of interests, but not involving delayed development of linguistic and cognitive abilities: now considered one of the autism spectrum disorders.

I don’t fault her at all. I fault those that are using her – whether it’s politicians, her parents or both.

It’s very, very easy to do.

Kids like Greta are blank slates who will embrace whatever ideology you throw at them. Unless encouraged, they will not find the truth in the matter.

I have my kids for 2, 3, 4, sometimes 5 or 6 years. Whenever we discuss politics, I can tell they barely grasp what I’m talking about. If I were a different person, it would take little effort to give them an ideology, and have them internalize it. I’m their teacher; an authority figure. They trust me implicitly.

This is what happened to Greta. Her parents are so fanatical they brainwashed this poor child, and now they are using her to their own advantage.

The intensity she shows in her speech originates from the fact that she has been taught that climate change is bad. She is literal minded, and fully believes the doomsday outlook. She is frightened that she *will* die in 10 years if nothing changes.

This child is terrified for her life. Her parents should be arrested for child abuse.

All I can think of… is this girl auditioning for a spot in a movie?
I seem to remember myself at that age. There is no way I could stand up in front of a crowd without constant rehearsal. (which I had to do when I was an alter-boy for morning mass.)

I seriously suspect that this poor child has been groomed her entire life to be put on display.

When I first heard about her speaking to the UN, my first question was “What are her credentials?” I’m a lawyer. If you walk into my office you will see my diplomas and my certificate of admission to the practice of law. Those certificates show that I did the work and passed all the required exams to do my job. If you fail to recognize the frailty of having a 16 year old girl with multiple mental illnesses as your spokesperson then I don’t think any amount of rational discussion is going to help the situation.

Greta is doing just fine. She and her parents are Antifa and she has written a song supporting that group.

She supposedly shamed her mother into abandoning her opera career because of the carbon her travel caused.

She just won 100,000 dollars from an outfit in Sweden for something

I think she’s cute…in a 3rd Reich kinda way.
“Tomorrow belongs, tomorrow belongs, tomorrow belongs to me”

Instead of giving a platform to this hateful, SJW Scrooge puppet, you should have talked about Trump’s magnificent address to the UN General Assembly. His speech needs to be shouted from the rooftops!

I fell for Rachel Corrie’s crap and then later on saw all the footage of her being groomed, and it just made me sad and disgusted. On another thought, I was really bent out of shape about impending thermonuclear WWIII as a kid but my parents didn’t buy me a sea ticket to Europe and the USSR to go scream at them tthat they stole our future. And certainly, when I was upset about it, I didn’t take dramatic pauses like Trinity/Veruca Salt.

“Children should be seen but not heard”… never was an adage more true… but she is correct that her life has been ruined – at least so far – by her parents and other lefty loons. They are engendering fear and hatred in the youth.

Is it time to red flag Greta? I don’t like the red flag movement but sometimes….!What a miserable mess her life must be. I was not moved by her overwrought tirade at all. It’s alarming that she was given such a venue. An obviously ill child’s diatribe could be seen as similar to those who act out their hate on innocent people. What would she do to innocent people if she acquired all of the power she wants? Can anyone maintain that kind of anger without running out of themselves?

This is straight up child abuse- It is absolutely sickening how far the fanatical left goes to use children with disabilities as a “shield” for their terrible ideas. How dare anyone criticize a disabled child says every woke person on the left, yet they had no problem publicly crucifying Mr. Sandmann (who did not ask to become a public figure) after his smirk seen round the world clip.

Imagine the outrage if the NRA were to produce an ad featuring children, whose parents were killed by a criminal, begging for open carry laws and arming of more adults to level the playing field with criminals- The.Left.Would.Be.Apoplectic

I have the greatest respect for the Sandmann kid as he tried to maintain his composure while being drummed in the face by a stranger and taunted by people.

That was not a “smirk.” What the fake news called a smirk was staying calm. That took a lot of courage. Kudos to him and his parents.

Agreed, That did not come across as a smirk. That was a confused smile that says to me…. “OK what do I do now?”

What most articles fail to mention is that while she supposedly sailed the boat here by her self, showing how green she is, a five man crew “FLEW” over to take the boat back. How green is that!?

I see that child and my heart goes out to her but at the very same time the loathing I feel for all of those who have abused this child and all children burns hot. Empathy and Anger do not exist well together.

I had that same reaction Richard. I had not even watched her before this video because I was completely disgusted and did not want to fuel the anger I felt toward her parents. When I saw it here, a chill went down my spine that anyone could watch that and not scream child abuse. The psychological torture her parents must have put her through as a child is beyond imagination.

George Burns was reported to have said that “all you need to succeed in show business is sincerity. Learn to fake that and you have it made.”

The performance rendered by that 16 year old was fake faking of sincerity. It was almost a carbon copy of Blasey Ford’s faking of sincerity when she testified against Brett Kavanaugh. It became obvious at most in a few seconds into the video clip. There was no change in expression, no change in voice, and no change in the level of faked emotional outrage. There was no expression of genuine knowledge of a real pending catastrophe worthy of the fake outrage presented.

Interestingly, this represents “truth” to the left of left wannabe global dictators. It is fake emotional outrage over a fake catastrophe that has been predicted many times for thousands of years and has yet to have happened on schedule.

Pathetic is too good of a description of the left’s use and abuse of a totally ignorant 16 year old who’s only talent is to fake faking outrage. THAT is the true outrage here.

Whenever you think the left can’t sink any lower, they prove you wrong and sink even lower. Never fear, they will have no problem sinking lower. Their depth of depravity is bottomless.

The one thing I disagree with is your assertion that Greta is insincere. That poor girl has been psychologically abused by her parents for years and seems to believe all of the horrible things that have been forced into her.

BS! She doesn’t know enough to be sincere. She is nothing but an echo of a copy of an echo of a copy of an echo…. There is no there, there.

A tape recorder cannot be sincere. THAT is all she is and nothing else. So also for almost every teenager on earth. They are either a little tape recorder or are rebelling against other little tape recorders. ALL without foundation in reality.

Belief in the believed belief of others cannot possibly be sincere. It is ALL fake, pretense, and make believe!

How is it that you come to the conclusion that “[s]he doesn’t know enough to be sincere”? Is it because she proclaims something with which you disagree?

If your generalized assertion is valid, and I believe it is not, then my conservative/libertarian, 17-year son doesn’t know what he says when he refuses the notions of anthropogenic climate change, mandatory gun confiscation, and excessive taxation. His beliefs fly in the face of all the indoctrination that he has received in public schools.

The fault for this girl’s misguided proclamations lies solely upon the shoulders of her mentors and parents.

She is 16 years old. As such, the rational part of her brain is far from being fully developed and won’t be for at least another 7 years. Also, she has not had time to learn how to use the brain she has. It takes time, intellectual discipline, and much training to do that.

The second verse is that she presents no evidence coming even close to hinting proof of what she says. Like I said, she is nothing but a biological tape recorder and far from being a scientist capable of doing such things.

As for your 17 year old, you say so and pretend that is evidence. Not so! The same conditions apply to him.

You accuse me of the following:

As for your 17 year old, you say so and pretend that is evidence. Not so! The same conditions apply to him.

Yet you are using Greta to uphold your obviously erroneous generalizations about young people. That’s the pot calling the kettle black. Nice try.

As posed, the gneralizations are obviously erroneous, because you’ve attempted to convince that they apply to every young person. In fact, no generalization is 100% applicable; therefore, a single example is sufficient to contradict any claim to the contrary. You have claimed that the “magic age” of 23 (my paraphrasing) is when anyone begins to have a fully-matured capacity for rational thought. I submit that no such generalization is valid 100% of the time, and I once again submit my son as a contradicting example.

One certainly must admit that each individual learns and matures at different rates. If not, then we shall agree to disagree.

I think the difference between your son and Greta is two fold. Quite likely you’ve helped your son learn how to learn and he is able to evaluate the claims of the AGW crowd. He also has enough schooling to understand the math and science involved.

Greta on the other hand, if I understood and correctly remember what I read, stopped going to school a few years ago as part of her climate protests and the “why learn when the world is going to end soon” child protest movement (for most just a reason to play hooky) means she hasn’t had the education required.

I would also venture a guess that either her parents have not taught her how to learn or have only taught her what they want her to know to further the protest attitude. My original understanding was that her parents did not lead her into this and it was her own fear and poor understanding that lead to her paranoia and she berated her parents and behaved badly and when they did not correct her spiraled down toward what she is now. The blame for that is on her parents as they should parent, not try to coddle or befriend her and show her why her adolescent ideas are so far from correct.

I don’t know what she does know but I usually discount any opinion from a pre-adult unless what they are saying is backed by some understanding of the situation or is spoken from personal experience. They can usually speak to the effects of something on them personally and that is useful but the cause-and-effect and wider view of things is not something of which a child usually has command.

I recognize the differences between my son and Greta. I was obviously questioning Lionell’s erroneous generalizations about young people’s abilities for rational thought.

I agree that she believes she believes it but she does not know it, thus cannot be sincere. She is ONLY emotive. There is no significant intellect involved! She is nothing but an echo of a copy of an echo of a copy … without end.

No, sir.

She is completely sincere. She truly has internalized that climate change exists, and if it isn’t stopped, it is the end of the world. Literally.

I have a pretty good idea how her mind works, from decades of experience.

We have very different definitions of “sincere”. I mean INTELLECTUAL sincerity not purely strength of emotional feeling: she really believes she really believes but without any foundation in reason, reality, and logic. THAT IS NOT SINCERITY! That is faking it and pretending you don’t know you are faking it.

Nope again.

One can be sincere without having all the facts. I don’t need to know what type of cancer someone has, to feel badly for them. It is the human thing to do.

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