Right Angle

Harry Reid Says 2020 Democrat Candidates Too Extreme on Healthcare and Immigration

As the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates call for Medicare for all, decriminalizing illegal immigration, open borders and free healthcare for illegal aliens, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says they’re too extreme, and will suffer for it at the polls. Will anyone listen?

As the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates call for Medicare for all, decriminalizing illegal immigration, open borders and free healthcare for illegal aliens, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says they’re too extreme, and will suffer for it at the polls. Will anyone listen?

5 replies on “Harry Reid Says 2020 Democrat Candidates Too Extreme on Healthcare and Immigration”

I agree with Bill, Harry is evil, and this is the way Harry is telling the extreme left not to say the crazy stuff during the election, but do it after you get elected, which I’m hoping is too late now.

I’m not sure who I hated more for Reid’s lying about Romney and then when called out on it after the election simply replied “Well it worked, didn’t it?”
Him for being a lying scumbag or Romney for not defending himself

Much as I hate to agreed with Reid on anything, he is right on this. This radical Left takeover is fracturing the Democratic Party. Many of the more centrist and logical are not happy with the radical approaches of the Far Left. Many will walk away from the party, if not to the Republican Party, then to Independent status. The radicalness is approaching insanity, when we have idiocy like the New Green Deal, open borders to everyone, and healthcare that is free for all and from the Money Fairy. Who represents the views of normal people anymore? Even the left-leaning Democrat mainstream is going “what did our people just say?” The Far Left crust is breaking faith with the center and it will cost them votes in the long run. This is why radicals are problems on any side.

The incompetent, ignorant, child like members of the socialist, marxist, left of leftists wing of the Democratic party has taken over the Democratic party. Harry is obsolete by three generations.

He fits neither the people who believe in freedom, liberty, and the smallest most limited government possible nor the classical members of the Democratic party. Democrats who believe mostly that wealth must be redistributed from the rich to the poor (aka themselves) and business must be tightly regulated (aka micromanaged)and be punished when they don’t deliver unlimited wealth to be redistributed the way the Democrats want (95% to growing the government and 5% to unproductive virtue signaling).

There is not one whit of difference between the Classical Democrats and the New Democrats except the New Democrats are far more honest in their goals.

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