BW Member Blog

How communists rose to the top of the US government.

Diana West has written the Red Thread. I have not read the book. I can’t read fast enough to finish most books. Diana West talks about it in the video below.

I’ve commented on it already in response to one of Bills talks, “Titanium Hillary Survives Again: Another Probe Dropped with No Charges.” 
The problem is discussed in the video a tiny bit. How can you reform and prosecute crimes when an unknown number of people are communist or islamist infiltrators in federal law enforcement?

 It all goes back to the infiltration of academia decades ago. It can only be cleaned out with a full replacement of the organisations: law enforcement, universities, all public service. 

I knew the infiltration had happened when I was 15 way back in the 1970’s but then I’m a weird Australian. My parents had friends and colleges that saw the threat way back then. Travelling missionaries that had been on the edge of the communist block or in countries it swallowed up. My parents trained as missionaries in the 1950’s but never went overseas joining a mission organisation that worked in Australia. Class mates that went overseas came back to see their home country falling to the dangerous threats they had encountered in the third world or war battered Europe. 

The video below is long but worth it.  

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