BW Member Blog

How conditioned we are!!!!

I was watching a livestream on blaze tv when Youtube had some issues today(I hope it was unplanned).  Anyway, they were talking about the types of fraud the Trump campaign should go after.  They said that small fraud is normal and only go after big issues… Why is it that we think it is normal for fraud to happen in our elections no matter how small they are.  If I were to give top secret plans to the russians would I be allowed to have that they were only small secret’s as part of my defense.  Treason is Treason.  If you are willing to help another country over your own then that is treason.  

I know that corruption has happened before on small level’s and it has been swept aside.  But here’s the problem…   I will try to explain this as simply as I can and please forgive any typo’s.  

This example is “hypothetical” but it will use some “rumors” of this current election.  

So the election is cruising along and up until midnight it was pretty much happening as all of the people who don’t listen to the legacy media.  If you watched the news and the social media sites you saw how the election was going up until the country went to bed on election night.  Then while you slept a van, a chrysler 300 and a Ferrari show up at the election center and wow for the next 2 hours(while all the observers had been sent away because they were told the counting was at a stopping point) and the for the next 2 hours the vote counts go into super steroid numbers for Trump.)

Now the next day Trump is declared by the legacy media to be president elect  Now keep in mind the legacy media doesn’t call the presidential election… in fact they don’t get to call any election.  It is only after the state legislatures validate the results and electoral delegate’s are assigned and have placed their votes that someone can be called President-elect.  

Now imagine that what really happened was that the legacy media called it for Biden.  Well.  Welcome to reality.   Now how do you feel.

Dead people voted this election.   I am pretty sure they have been voting for many elections.  It’s funny that the main thing I hear is well you can’t tell if who they voted for… My problem is that they voted at all.

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