BW Member Blog

I WAS Going to Post an Update, But…

I had spent about two goddamn hours putting together a long and detailed update on my post from yesterday, complete with many linked references. I went to a different browser tab to watch a new video of the incident that had been released and, when I came back to the “Create Blog Post” page here, the field where I had typed it all was blank.

I’m too angry to rewrite it at this time. I guess I’ll try to recreate it later. FU…………………

8 replies on “I WAS Going to Post an Update, But…”

Had the same thing happen on Zuckerbook. Go to get the addy for what you are trying to emphasize and boom blank page. Not 2 hours of course but still frustrating.

whenever i enter text into a field I will regularly select all and copy in order to avoid losing it. Too many pages either auto update or the data gets lost if its there to long without being submitted

I’ve done that as well and now I’ll even type it up on a word document so I can proofread, edit. etc. and then “copy & paste” where It needs to be.

Was going to say the same thing. Anything lengthy I write here I do in word then paste it here.

I usually do a select all & copy, or even compose in an external app like others say here, but it slipped my mind this time. Much drinking ensued.

(OK, not really – I rarely drink. But I wanted to.)

There was a guy who made videos for one of those short-form video sites way back when they first appeared. (He did an absolutely dead-on Frozone impersonation) But I digress.
He would post videos where he would setup someone for a prank or pratfall, and when they fell prey to it, he would ask,”What have we learned?” I have since adopted that phrase as a mantra.
So, my question to you is….
What have we learned? 😉

Web learned that Bourbon doesn’t solve anything. But it does dull the pain for a bit. 😉

Same here. My blog looks bad because some of the “Word” formatting gets in the way.

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