BW Member Blog

If you thought the Internet was untouchable, think again.

How do you connect to the internet? How do you go to a website? How do you communicate with people all over the world? This convenience does not come with a cost. Right now, in November 2020, the internet is still a free, amazing, mysterious, wild place where anything is possible.

However, nothing comes without a cost. Eventually, the woke mob will figure out how the internet works and they will start to mess with it. Once they discover the specific building where the backbone of the Internet is, it’s all over. You won’t be able to type a website into your browser and be brought to that website. Every time you type a website, that string of text goes to a DNS (domain name server) which translates that text into an IP address. That IP address is what actually connects you to Google, or Twitter, of Facebook. Not the name of the website. You also have a unique IP address. Your home internet gateway is assigned an IP address by your ISP’s server. If and when the woke tribalist mob discovers that they have the power to block individual IP addresses from accessing or even hailing another IP address, it’s going to be the end of freedom of access on “the internet”. It won’t be the internet anymore. It will be a walled garden of approved web pages that will be determined by your ISP. Don’t think your ISP is indifferent in this fight. They are as aware as you of which way the wind blows. They will bend the knee to the mob faster than you can spell SJW. The SJW agenda is marching through the corporations at blitzkrieg speeds. Your local ISP will not stand against it if they already are not. They will fold, just like every other corporation in America. They don’t even care if it affects their profits, because profits won’t matter to them by then. Because by then, money is only an abstract. Civilization will fall. The West will be on the ropes. But don’t give up. I could be wrong. Let’s hope so.

6 replies on “If you thought the Internet was untouchable, think again.”

You don’t need to hit the backbone, and restricting IP addresses won’t work when people get a different one after reconnecting and having a new one assigned. (We don’t have unique, personally assigned IP addresses, unless you pay for one intending to be a hosting service).

Plus, start banning half the country from major sites on the internet and the ISPs will go out of business when their subscribers quit. Unless you can void their bills along with their income, they will care about profits.

Toward the end of the revolution, ISPs just won’t provide service to the “wrong people” based on a social credit score. There will be no need for this shadowy trunk splicing.

They’ve been watching at NOCs since at least 2001. I turned down a job as a machine watcher in a little room that had bundles of fiber optic cables coming in and going out. In said little room, the signals were copied en masse and mirrored to Langley and Ashburn.
The job required a security check that I’d have passed with flying colors, but eight hours in a box just wasn’t for me, especially since I knew what they wanted.

Big Brother IS watching you and doesn’t have your best interest at heart. He wants to control your every thought and through that, your every action. If you don’t like it, TOUGH! He is going to try to do it anyway.

The best defense is to THINK FOR YOURSELF. Lacking that, you are puppet dancing on his strings.

We must eliminate Big Brother. Don’t worry, that will happen. We will do it knowingly and deliberately or technical civilization will collapse and take everything with it. Your choice.

Over the top, you say? Technical civilization depends upon a free people freely using their minds in cooperation to build and maintain that civilization. Without that freedom, little new and different can happen. Stagnation kills civilization. The more it is technological the faster it will die.

why do they need to hit the backbone.. Who’s censoring their messages? I They already know how the internet works and they already control the companies that control the internet… You think Apple, Google, Twatter( i can’t say tw@tter out of principle don’t control the internet… Hey Alex Jones what’s daily routine like(I’ll bet he wakes up fighting censorship, because otherwise he probably wouldn’t wake up) and that’s where it’s headed for all of us…

I was walking from my business to my house the other day and I wondered to myself if this is what if felt like at the beginning of the “Rise”. I would think it seemed different at probably that time but man imagine after going to bed on election night and waking up election morning and realizing that the Red, White and Blue aren’t flying proudly outside anymore…

Sure seems a little restrictive on what music I am supposed to be listening to.. Sure seem’s a little weird that I don’t think 12 year old’s should be sniffed “incesantly” And the list keeps growing and growing everyday as to what I feel creepy about what is going on. But sure seem’s like im in the minority on this…

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