BW Member Blog

In Requiem, Western Civilization.

When I was a youngster, I got bullied. A lot. I was slight, scrawny, bookish and not terribly intimidating. As a result, I was seen as an easy target. And I was. Due to the abusive situation I faced at home (my father was an alcoholic and an abuser, my mother was an alcohol abuser and an enabler), my self-image was so poor, that I wouldn’t even raise a hand to defend myself. My ass got kicked pretty much on a daily basis.

As those of you who know me well would probably guess, I had a very rich fantasy life. In my imagination, I was a superhero, or starship captain, or Jedi Knight, or some other type of adventurer. In my fantasy worlds, I was strong, smart, loved, respected, decisive, confident, and a leader. I was everything that I thought I wasn’t in real life.

By-and-large, I kept these fantasies to myself. My heroic self was my private domain. A few close friends got a glimpse, when I’d commit some of my fantasies to paper (hello, Jim West). At no time, did I expect the world-at-large to see me as I wished to see myself. In reality, I continued to be the nebbish that everyone thought I was.

Which brings me to the current Trans movement. Here’s a group of young people, who throughout their entire lives,  have been told that they’re special, unique, and precious, in spite of the fact that they’ve never been challenged, never faced adversity, never been allowed to fail (lest it hurt their self-esteem), and have gotten a trophy, just for showing up.

No wonder they’re looking to distinguish themselves. And how best to distinguish yourself in 21st century Western Society? By being the biggest victim of said society. They’ve been told, all of their lives, by Academia, and the Popular Culture, that Western Civilization (particularly, the United States of America) is the source of all of the problems in the world. If the USA is the victimizer, the best way to stand out is to be the biggest victim.

The difference between me, and the Trans movement is, that I recognized my fantasy life for what it was, a coping mechanism, whereas, they demand that everyone go along with their delusions, lest they be labeled a bigot. Science (i.e.: XY chromosome = man, XX chromosome = woman) is Hate Speech, now.

Nowadays, it’s how you identify that matters. If you say you’re a man, you’re a man. If you say you’re a woman, you’re a woman. If you say you’re a cat, you’re a cat. If you say you’re an elf, you’re an elf. Unless, of course, you say that you’re a Christian. That’s Hate Speech.

This SJW shit is cultural suicide, folks. When the barbarians come (and they will), Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings won’t save you. You’ll have to stand and fight. And alas, I don’t think you’re mentally tough enough. RIP, Western Civilization.

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