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It can’t happen here, you say?

I am a conservative, but not a Christian. I feel free to say that here, which is one reason “our side” is “better” than “their side” (try telling a progressive that you don’t believe in man-made climate change and see what happens). That said, while I’m still on my personal search for faith I’m very appreciative that I live in a free country that was founded by Christians and swims in Christian morals. It’s safer and more sane here.

David Horowitz is an author to whom I give some weight because he was a committed Leftist before he discovered that he was on the wrong side, at which time he became a committed conservative.  In his new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, he exposes the Left’s actual conspiracy (not “fake conspiracy”, epitomized by “Muh Russia”) to destroy the Christian fundamental foundation of America.

I’m going to have to make space on my shelves for this book.

Rather than being drenched in highly abstract philosophical observations, as has been seen in his other works, this one is apparently tightly written and straight to the point. Richard Kirk, a freelance writer from Southern California, has this to say:

[Dark Agenda’s] core ideas are given clear expression and development via an array of examples, many of which are doubtless unknown to even the most politically-astute readers.  Who knew, for example, that the $621 million U.S. Capitol Visitor Center that opened in 2008 “is less a monument to the nation’s founding and institutions than it is to the antireligious left’s vision for America.  When it opened, all references to God and faith had been carefully, deliberately edited out of its photos and historical displays.”  For example, the national motto was said to be “E Pluribus Unum” when, in fact, it is “In God We Trust.”  Among other historical travesties, a large “image of the Constitution was photoshopped to remove the worlds ‘in the Year of our Lord’ above the signatures of the signers.” Similarly, the “table on which President Lincoln placed his Bible during his second inauguration is on display — just the table, not the Bible.”

Photoshopping the Constitution? Changing the national motto? Who are these people? Dr. Miguel E. Faria, writing a review under Amazon’s listing of the book, says:

Dark Agenda is an expose of the left’s savage war against God and Christianity with the goal of replacing God with progressive socialist man as the ruling deity of social justice and the new world order. Horowitz points out that Christian principles were behind the guiding light of the American Revolution and the ideals bolstering the foundation of the American Republic. It is because of this Christian foundation as basis for moral principles, patriotism, and conservatism that liberals, from Margaret Sanger and Christopher Hitchens to Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama, have waged an unremitting war against Christianity, subtly in the case of some and not so subtly in the case of others. The Judeo-Christian ideals upon which this nation was founded are abhorrent to the new left and the Democrat party because they are an obstacle to government usurpation.

From the book itself:

Since it’s birth in the fires of the French Revolution, the political left has been at war with religion, and with the Christian religion in particular. In a symbolic revolutionary act, the Jacobin leaders of the French Revolution changed the name of the Cathedral of Notre Dame to the “Temple of Reason.” Then, in the name of “reason,” they proceeded to massacre the inhabitants of the Vendée region of west central France because it’s citizens were Catholics.

You know, it isn’t much of a stretch to believe that this is what the Left might do here if they attained total power in the United States of America — but to Protestants and Catholics alike (Islam is likely safe). This might be especially so if Christians weren’t being quiet about it.

Know thyself. Know thy enemy.
A thousand battles, a thousand victories.

    – Sun Tzu

11 replies on “It can’t happen here, you say?”

A few people suffer from that. A similar situation happened when movies went from silent to sound. Most of the stars had ridiculous voices, and a whole new crop had to be found.

Photoshopping the constitution is terrifying…
I hope you find your way to Christ on your search for faith, he is the one true God and the only path to Heaven. There is a reason that the only country founded on Christianity has become the most successful in the history of the world. Read the Bible, pray, and go to your local church with an earnest desire to find find God, and you shall. “Seek, and ye shall find.”

At heart, I am an scientist. Or, as I think it is in the Christian faith, a “doubting Thomas”. I need evidence. Haven’t found it yet, other than a vast number of people who “believe” (which is a form of evidence, but not directly).

What I DO know, is that there’s something “hinky” with the standard view of the universe. That is what I’m paying attention to now.

Meanwhile, Christians are nice people, and don’t want to cut off your head. This makes them good to be around. Thank you for your concern.

Alright, so you’re an evidence guy. If you need evidence to believe, I suggest taking a look at the resurrection of Jesus. The entire Christian faith hinges on the resurrection; if it can be proved, everything else follows, and if it can be disproved, everything else is worthless. Many devout atheists have sought to historically disprove the resurrection and instead ended up believing in it, so if you begin an honest investigation there it may lead to answers for you. Lee Strobel is a great example of this, and if you want you could read his book the Case for Christ that recounts of his journey and the evidence that led him Christ.

I recommend watching this video first:

And our friend at the Daily Wire did a great video on it to:

If you are doubting whether Jesus even existed, Crowder talked about it during this video:

Good luck on your search.

Thanks, but it’s all hearsay. There is no doubt Jesus existed, but without eyes on the events, everything else is second-hand evidence, reported by fallible human beings.

One of the attractive things about Christian thought is that it is not assumed that the Bible is the direct word of God. It’s written by “inspired authors”.

What makes Islam so dangerous is that they believe the Koran IS the direct word of Allah, and they will kill you or enslave you if you don’t believe it…such a nice “god” you have there, you guys.

Yes, we believe God worked through the biblical authors to create the Bible. Please at least watch the first two videos though; I think you would be surprised by amount of evidence. If it were any other historical fact, no one would question the evidence.

I will, but at the moment I’m butt-deep in trying to test out strange HTML things with this blogging system…

You’re welcome! I’ll tell David next time I see him (lol), but I swear I don’t get any kickbacks!

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