BW Member Blog

It’s About Freaking Yarn!!

Once upon a time, crocheters and knitters would form groups online to share patterns, talk about knitting / crochet, learn new stitches, hone their skills and have a few chuckles. Then along came Ravelry and everyone jumped over. Eventually, all of the small intimate groups closed up one by one and joined together there. It’s kind of the Facebook for yarn addicts where you can find and sell patterns, set up groups, hunt down unique yarns and where to buy them, etc. I’ve been a member for roughly 10 years.

Then last week they posted a new policy:

click image to enlarge

I gave them the benefit of the doubt and contacted them to suggest banning all political speech. Then I found a video on YouTube where they were bragging on Cobert about their new policy. I am now in the process of downloading all of my purchased patterns and will be taking my patterns I have for sale off their site.

Their policy was taken from another site – an RPGer site where the author is a known Trump hater and spews whatever lies and progressive talking points serve their idiotic narrative. So the disease with the big social media sites is spreading down to the smaller, niche sites as well.

It appears that the closer we get to the election, the worse it’s going to get out there. It looks like it’s time we jump from all of them and set up our own to take it all back and re-introduce some sanity into our online havens. 

6 replies on “It’s About Freaking Yarn!!”

Looks like they’re doubling down on stupid. All I’ve got left to remove are my patterns I have for sale. I’ll be gone before the week is out. I’m in the process of setting up a crochet/knit forum. It will take me a few weeks to complete the setup and seed some of the pattern categories. If interested, check in a couple of weeks:

Definitely interested, I’ll also share this with my “yarning” friends.

Well, one votes with one’s money. I hope this goes to more people than just Ravelry knitters. I will never buy anything from them again. Taking my name off their list. I really hope this is what people will do. The silent majority will scream with their money.

I’m also a yarn addict. Have used ravelry on occasion but never really liked it much. Now I will never visit again other than to tell them off.
Offer your patterns on Etsy and create your own website. I have several websites I follow. Shoot me a link later I’ll pass it around to my “yarning” friends .

Thank you Jo Ann : ) The only reason I sold through Ravelry is that you don’t have listing fees. It’s been a while since I’ve sold on Etsy, so I’ll have to check it out again. Feel free to tell them off – the more people respond, it just might get through to someone somewhere that insulting half of your membership / followers, etc. is not a smooth business move!

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