Giant stinking heaps of garbage, crawling with rats carrying typhus — this is not some simmering 3rd-World $#1+hole, but rather, the Democrat-run city of Los Angeles. What will it take to clean up the City of Angels?
Los Angeles: 3rd-World $#1+hole of Rats, Typhus and Stinking Heaps Garbage
Giant stinking heaps of garbage, crawling with rats carrying typhus — this is not some simmering 3rd-World $#1+hole, but rather, the Democrat-run city of Los Angeles. What will it take to clean up the City of Angels?

20 replies on “Los Angeles: 3rd-World $#1+hole of Rats, Typhus and Stinking Heaps Garbage”
WHO? really is responsible for this ongoing disaster? Igt is the oner who election after election after election Votes for the Democratic better named a Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) who pleads for Compassion, an abundance of Caring and the ultimate Sensitivity to the Poor and Disadvantaged. There are VERY inarticulate individuals running from the RINO WHIG Do NOTHING (far too many) Democratic Socialist liters who seem by what they say and do are completely incapable of pointing out to the average Joe and Mary regardless of Party how the vision of the Founders and Framers has become Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America.”
San Francisco NOW has an App that will point out the deposit of Poop and needle deposits are located. SF is the Americas Poop Capital. WHAT? does that say about the City by the POOP?
Yeah, one would think the sanitation department would use this app to dispatch clean-up crews, or does that sound too much like common sense?
I’ve had the same thought about Disney running things , I love the place, however Disney has two great advantages. They have the authority to eject undesirables , I think you can even get ejected for smoking now ! And they can fire people without 5 years of litigation, you can probably get canned for insufficient — niceness.
I escaped NYC in the 70’s but I’m only a few miles east, the odd thing about both deBlasio elections is that they seemed to be held in a vacuum, most people need to be reminded about local elections and mayoral elections used to be a pretty big thing but for big bird there was almost no publicity , few ads and an essentially non existent opposition. As a result the first one had a 17% turnout so 9% is a winner the second was probably similar. They were FUBU elections – for us by us, the us being city connected unions and swamp denizens. The rest were left with ‘What election ?’ , ‘Bill who?’ only to find out this unknown vermin has been infesting city offices for decades and like many Democrats had never held a productive job off of the public teat.
The only reason the existence of ‘the People’ is tolerated in liberal cities is to harvest their votes and money.
Liberalism is a return to primitivism,
I lived in the LA and the Santa Barbra area from 1979 through 2016. I had wanted to leave California for something like five years. I moved and sold out early in 2017 for that reason and for a personally sad reason. I still miss the weather, the mountains, the wide open spaces, my horses, and the ocean.
I do not miss the linear parking lots called freeways, the pathological political environment, nor the rapidly rising cost of electricity. The last December I lived there, my light bill was over $500. My light bill for the first December where I now live was less than $50. Everything else costs about half or less than the California costs. The local political environment is not great but not nearly as pathological as it is in California.
There is real winter here with lots of snow and cold. However, I don’t have to commute and work over the internet and by cell phone. If I don’t want to go outside, I don’t have to.
On balance, I am glad I moved even though the things I miss about California are difficult to find any other place.
I feel so sad for Californians, and so blessed I left in 2004. I got to live at its peak, from the 60s to the 90s and what a time that was. The tragedy of it all is that the most forward thinking thing California did is highly likely the cause of its demise, eg, the ‘freely available’ state supported Jr. and Sr. College system. Subsidized by State Govt. it was soon overrun by radical liberals who propagandized each incoming generation in the ‘progressive’ mindset and the righteousness of the Democrat party. Yes, California stands as a warning to us all, you reap what you sow all the way down the road to h*ll paved with your good intentions.
True story from ’91. I was going to a graduation part at Gorky’s (that’s a Soviet themed diner that had a couple locations in LA) in downtown LA. East of Hill Street. I didn’t recall exactly where the place was so I’m driving around the east side of downtown looking for this resturaunt. I’m telling you, it was positively Medieval. There were packs of humans roaming through the streets, bonfires in the middle of the road. I mean, think Escape from New York.
Didn’t find the place till after 2a so I ended up just going home.
Ask a celebrity – and do the exact opposite.
The answer is so simple! It’s the party of evil that brought this on. John Q Public is a despicable, degenerate, reprobate and is going the way of Detroit. These demonic people are reaping what they sowed at the ballot box and are too delusional to realize that their smooth-talking, socialist, globalist, progressive, birds of a feather are snickering under their breath that typhus is just another way to cull the herd. And there’s no better place to start than in celebrity-infested LA.
I saw LA Garbage Pile open for Slayer at the Troc in Philly back in ’98
This reminds me of NYC in the mid to late 70s. Scott is right, a mayor’s first responsibility is to insure that the services get done. Ripe opportunity for someone to unseat this guy. Actually, the person in charge of maintenance at Disneyland would be a great choice to run. Would have a great platform.
Moving to California after my military service, and having grown up in the midWest, I was “in heaven”….the coast, the beaches, the mountains, back in the 70’s, into the 80’s and 90’s, it really was the Golden State. And, now…what a mess, we have, with little hope in sight! The Republicans must do what the Dems did in this state last election, with the rise of “voter-harvesting”(thanks to Jerry Brown). Seven conservative seats in Congress were “taken” as the Dems were better organized….I don’t see things changing…the Republican party is weak, and NOT organized! As far as the disaster in LA (and other west coast cities), Bill is correct…someone of importance (HA) will die, and maybe, just maybe, those in charge will do “something!”
Do you really think a celebrity would spend enough time outside their gated community and in the worst areas of Downtown LA to get sick???
Not that I would suggest anyone do this (because you’d probably be charged with biological terrorism) but you could live trap 7-10 rats and release them near one of the hoi polloi outdoor cafes. See if PETA could get in on it, mistreating all of these furry brown critters by making them live in trash with nasty fleas.
No but their nanny/gardener/maid would bring it inside the wall.
The number of conservatives remaining, or not suppressed, in California is below the level of sustainability. Liberals are always chasing after the latest shiny idea, conservatives are the ones who actually make it work, to the extent it can work. They come up with the keen new idea for a lightbulb, conservatives see to it the electric bill is paid. Drive out the conservatives and the lights go out with them.
Why hasn’t the National Guard been mobilized to pick up the trash? It seems Public Health is less important than Union Support.