The Daily Wire has put two episodes of Bill’s Apollo 11: What We Saw episodes back up on YouTube. Many of the comments are extremely flattering, but a large contingent of Moon Landing deniers made an appearance, and some of them sound like they might have come from… us. Has all of lying, destruction and lawlessness of the past 15 years made conservatives if not crazy then at least FERAL?
Apollo 11 Episode 1 is here:
Apollo 11 Episode 2 is here:
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42 replies on “Make It Stop”
Of course the US landed on the moon!
I mean, if Wallace and Grommit can do it…
There are just people who want to believe lies and that’s the way life is. Those people who do that genuinely believe the lies they’re spreading and because it is a genuine belief it’s almost impossible to talk them out of it. Facts and figures and photographs and statistics mean nothing to such people.
The Right doesn’t have a lock on this phenomena. The Left USES it to their advantage. On the Left there are lots of people who want to believe lies too. Obvious lies that are absurd to swallow yet we see that happening every day all day long. That’s why the mainstream media is so successful as a Leftist propaganda tool, it’s easy to tell people what they want to believe and doesn’t require any particular skill other than being a convincing liar.
About all you can do is target the people who are not yet convinced of _____(fill in the blank). You do this by getting the real facts and the real story out in front of their eyes so they can see it before they succumb to a false belief. This means that you absolutely must contradict and provide counter argument with facts when you encounter the believers of lies. You’re not going to convince them, you’re trying to convince the bystander reading your comment on YouTube, Rumble, TDW, BWC, etc.
You should argue and you should continue to argue as long as the liar responds and gives you opportunity to debunk the lies. They always dig their own holes deeper and as someone who cares about objective truth you should shovel their muck back on their head while they do that.
Liars are the problem, the people who have been duped by lying conspiracy hogwash are the victims. You’ll never stop the liars but you can and should make an effort to rescue the victims.
If you just give up and throw up your hands, the lunatic fringe wins by default. If you just nod politely and back away the crazies get all the audience. There are plenty more uninformed, undecided people out there for them to harvest with lies. Some of the people out there are looking for people like us to refute the lies because those people don’t know what is and isn’t true. If you let the liars and conspiracists lie you’re helping them.
You’re not really addressing the lunatic fringe when you engage them. Your argument doesn’t have their name on it, it’s addressed “To whom it may concern”. Which makes it very much well worth the effort.
We are never going to be rid of flat earthers, moon landing deniers, the chemtrail crazies, the electric universers, believers in Nazi Lizard People and all the other pseudo-science and deceptions that run like parasites in the veins of society.
Don’t worry about offending anyone, in fact mockery is a very effective tactic. You’re not going to offend someone who thinks they’re Conservative into voting for the Left. We’re not going to lose anything but the tainted veneer of lying conspiracies by standing up for what’s real.
No one can “make it stop”, Bill. It’s presumptuously naïve to think that can happen. The best you can hope for is to limit the damage and that isn’t happening unless people stand up and fight for the truth. To paraphrase a famous saying …
“All that’s required for liars to win is for those who know the truth to do nothing.”
Again. Scott is me. The speal on people in general. Yes.
And right down to … it’s too much work. Yes. People are lazy. It’s why communism doesn’t work.
“Beclowning the movement”…. yes.
This is something I noted back even during my days of being the VP of the Mid Missouri Patriots. It’s why my focus was ALWAYS on education, why we brought in people to teach actual, serious Constitution courses, why we read books together, and why I showed Bill Whittle videos … especially that early Firewall series.
We tried to be inclusive and not turn people away. Pretty much the only reason we … encouraged people to leave, and it didn’t have to happen very often, was if someone was blatantly racist by normal peoples’ (not woke peoples’) definition of racist (and none of them ever came back, either, so it was efffective).
Point is, we occasionally got some of the “fake moon landing” types people (far out conspiracy theory types), and we would push back firmly but gently, or change the subject to something more …. relevant.
Hey, Bill … I’m thinking maybe you’re one of the people who uses the term “sportsing”?
The Apollo 11 series was fantastic.
One thing I don’t like about the trend the Daily Wire has taken lately, in the last few years is their tendency to clickbait headlines, and I think the headline they put on it attracted the crowd you’re talking about. Jeremy’s apparently a brilliant businessman and that’s why they can afford to do the things they do and the giant screen behind you for your recent re-do with video of The Cold War series … I still do NOT like the clickbait tactic.
And I say this as an enthusiastic Daily Wire subscriber.
The Dark Side calls but, my logic circuits are intact.
Bill it’s been nearly a year since you released “D is for Dungeon.” Do you think people’s’ thinking ability is so compromised that that effort wouldn’t help? I’m with you on wanting to get off of this rock, but in the words of Dear Leader, “Come on man.”
Get a copy of The Search for Solutions and do a show on that
Since I did the final QC approval of the Hi-Gain Antenna system that mounted on Apollo to send the Lunar Landing pictures back and all the relevant people involved with Apollo were paid off, I’d like to know WHERE IS MY PAYOFF!! THEY MISSED ME!!
Don’t feel bad. Like so many of us, I’m still waiting for my White Privilege check too.
Bill, in your extensive research into the former USSR, did you ever find somewhere where they denied that the US landed on the moon? I don’t recall them disputing it at the time, but I was just a kid back then. This seems another weakness of the landing deniers.
Just a tiny little hole.
Ah! But THEY were IN on it!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀
Oh and Steve’s a bit of a “too kind” liar because the moment Bill said 23rd century….a very slight grin emerged….Scott was far more obvious and nearly couldn’t contain himself. Good job to both of you for keeping it together. Myself? I just thought Bill meant, here we are 2 centuries later and we STILL haven’t broken through to reality.
Ok. Had to stop at 23:05. Moon landing wasn’t real. Now change the subject to transgender….ism. just exchange the topics and continue on.
We couldn’t possibly have gone to the moon. But it is FACT that a man is really a woman. And a woman is really a man. “La la la give facts proof and evidence- la la la la”
Reminds me so much of Dr. Servin’s group of space hitch hiking hippies looking for Eden on Star Trek TOS.
I think you identified another indication of the failure of our education system. Can never forget the questioning of the 9/11 attack by a woman celebrity because she thought iron couldn’t melt due to heat.
I guess I don’t get out much. I never would have thought it was Conservatives who could be Flat-Earthers, more the reverse. Lesson learned, I guess. It’s subjects like these that make me value my parents and their perspectives more and more as I was taught HOW to think. It was the Internet that educated me on just how many folks didn’t get that valuable instruction. Thanks, Guys!
Obviously, we can no longer believe anything Bill says, because he messed up and misstated who won the SuperBowl! Therefor, anything he has ever said is suspect. Anyone who disagrees with me is a weirdo conspiracy theorist with no credibility!
And now, I’m going to go hold my breath until I turn blue…
Star Date 2223: Humans who believe in nothing believe everything and vice versa.
As a conservative, I often have had to point out that those on the fringe do not speak for me or for the majority of us. One must choose one’s friends carefully.
Conservatives are not alone in the credulity gap pandemic. I know many on the left who harbor a mix of distrust and absolute conviction. For example a hatred for “organized religion” but a belief in the power of crystals, ghosts, and auras. Belief in ancient aliens, but not in historical, archeological, or geological records. Some eschew modern medicine but seek out herbal folk or tribal remedies. Yes, and some even doubt the moon landing was real.
Another real danger that you pointed out is a distrust of the police. When I was called to jury duty, one of the questions was whether or not we could believe the testimony of a police officer. I was shocked at how many said “no”, some went so far as to say even if the evidence supported his statements.
Relative to this statement:
I have heard people in the last few years say that this comment is the easiest way to get out of jury duty. They don’t actually mean it.
On the other hand I have met two people who stated publicly that they don’t believe the police but wouldn’t say so if called to jury duty, just so they wouldn’t get kicked off the jury. Basically, both are admitting that they will lie to either get out of or get placed on a jury.
This disheartens me to a great extent and makes me feel that any jury pool is completely suspect.
Or go back 14 years, to Ground Zero of Washington DC. I remember seeing lots of “smart” people who think believing in God makes you a rube, while believing a cheap Chicago politician would somehow bring meaning to their empty lives. Of course, when the promised hopey changey paradise never materialized it wasn’t their fault, but rather the fault of us Normals for failing to drink the Kool Aid
“Dont confuse me with the facts, Ive made up my mind” I get it. We have been betrayed by a lot of folks. Which is why rational thinking is so valuable. God help us!!!
What are you going to believe? Me? Or your lying eyes?
I have a flat earther relative. When asked where he got his information, it was of course, YouTube. I just avoid him now.
It is unfortunate, but I fear that Bill is correct in that flat-Earthers have a tendency to be Conservative. As he says, this is primarily because Conservatives have greater tendency to mistrust government and authority.
My data is limited to only one example because I have only one friend who believes in the flat Earth and she is a staunch Conservative.
Since I’m a physicists, she often asks me to look at the evidence and convince her otherwise. But then she always finds some other “evidence” and she just can’t seem to give it up.
This worries me because it makes us Conservatives look like flat-Earthers.
I don’t automatically assume the main stream media or leftists are lying.I do, however, take what they say with a grain of salt. Theyve been proved wrong so often.
I assume. On what issue to Leftists not lie? Seriously, I can’t think of a single one.
On issues, or things that promote their agenda; they lie. On little stuff, well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often.
Mitchell and Webb (Hail, Vectron!) did a bit about faking the moon landing.
I find it very funny. If you haven’t seen it give it a look.
So before watching the entire episode I can tell where Bill’s expectations have been nuked.
“Normally sensible people”
There are many, many fewer of these people than you think. By orders of magnitude. Sensible means full of common sense. Look around you day to day and you will see a wide number of people who display to the world that they have no common sense.
And I don’t just refer to those driving around in their own vehicle with the windows closed and a mask on, though this is a nice indication.
The guy flying up the highway on his crotch rocket 30mph faster than traffic and weaving in and out: No common sense.
The person walking down the sidewalk staring at his phone and texting: No common sense.
etc. etc. ad infinitum.
In casa RSAE we call these people Oblivious because they either don’t have an awareness and understanding of real life or can’t be bothered to try.
Sensible people are in the minority in this world, by a large number. The number of people who are sensible and can think for themselves: Shrinking rapidly.
Now I will watch the rest and see what the guys have to say.
***Steps off soap box, breathes deeply to restore BP to something approaching normal****
…And Bill, I liked the Joey Ramone sign off at the end!
It reminds me of back when The Onion was funny and they eulogized the passing of Joey Ramone with the smple headline: “Joey Ramone is Da-da-da-da-da-da-Dead”
Arguing with people being described in this video is a pointless exercise, because their minds are already fixated upon the conclusions that are contrary to facts. This behavior is akin to that of religious zealots and petulant children, “Nah nah nah, I can’t hear you! It’s time for you to be crucified!”
My tactic has been to engage until they cross the line, whether personal attack or verifiable nonsense. At that point I just calmly jiu jitsu whatever their dumb point is back at them – nothing enfuriates a Lefty like presenting facts while addressing them in the same tone they use with us.
My father had a saying for people like that. Their attitude is “Don’t bother me with the facts, my mind is made up!”
I’ve been using a similar saying for years: “My mind is made up. Don’t confuse me with the facts.”
One other note on not believing anything – can anyone name a single issue where The Radical Left doesn’t lie? I’m not being hyperbolic here – I honestly can’t think of one. And I’m happy to be wrong inthe replies if anyone can refute
I’m guilty of being one of the ones constantly beating the Election Fraud drum. I also agree that not every election is rigged – I’m just pointing out that on the Presidential level we’re fighting the last war. Since the Dems have figured out that they do not ever need to lose a major election again, they won’t. They hate us and see it as their “moral” duty to cheat to win those elections. So unless I see real action by the GOP to not already agree to lose GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ, VA, and NV I’m not going to keep getting my hopes up and fighting the last war. I’m not giving up, just saying that we need to significantly adjust our tactics – refusing to acknowledge a rigged system is the first step.
I’m with you on this.
The fact that we have a Republican majority in the House is not evidence that elections weren’t stolen nation-wide in 2020 and 2022.
I would argue that, without the theft, our House majority would be larger, we would have a majority in the Senate and Keri Lake would be governor in Arizona.
If the GOP doesn’t act fast and strongly on election fraud, we will lose that slim majority in the House.
AZ was my last straw of having any hope in the system. The fact that Abortion Mouse didn’t even make any effort to hide the Election Fraud knowing that there would be no consequence just shows that their cheating is now an accepted fact
Some of it comes from we don’t believe because we don’t believe anymore. We have lost faith in people telling the truth because we have lost our ability to have faith.
Unfortunately, experience has only reinforced the knee-jerk, “that didn’t happen!”, doubt in all of us.
Bingo. That’s the essence of cynicism. There are some things that simply are irrefutable, however. The moon landing in 1969 (and afterwards, except for Apollo 13) is one of them. The World Trade Center on 9/11 is another. No amount of “it was a government plot!” will convince me that those things didn’t happen. They did.
So who’s lying, and why do they lie? Certainly those representing the government or any so-called august “body” lies in order to project their agenda. Scott said so so it must be true. 🙂
We haven’t even touched on the really crazy people yet. Flat-earthers have got to be bat-guano nuts.
I got tired of offering “observable” evidence to the flat earthers and moon landing hoaxers. So I simply leave them with this these days.
On another note, congrats, you got one on to stick on the Rumble channel that has all the followers…lol.
Oh, and unless you’re wearing headphones or ear buds, you really can’t hear the tapping.