America… what are we doing? What is our purpose?
What do we represent?
From where do we find hope?
What do we value?
What do we aspire to be?
I just got done watching this incredible video series… it’s about 4 hours of narrative… and about a quarter of that I spent crying.
Tears of joy, tears that came from a sense of awe and wonder… tears of anguish over the sacrifices made, but also tears of pride over the fact that these brave Americans had the guts to make those sacrifices.
I hate what our country has become.
I hate our politics.
I hate our ignorance.
I hate our hubris.
I hate our laziness.
I hate our lack of values, morals, intellectualism, courage…
I hate our lack of pride in what we have been, but at the same time I hate our arrogance for what we are now.
We have inherited a great blessing, and we hate ourselves for it.
We have inherited amazing technological achievements, and we take them for granted.
We have inherited amazing wealth and we still find ourselves covetous of the wealth of others.
And worst of all, we have forgotten the lessons of the past while feasting at the banquet table containing all of the vast sums of blessings those hard-won and costly lessons have brought to us.
We are a bunch of asshole children of wealthy parents, squandering the wealth we have been given by the parents who actually earned it all.
I love what my country once was.
I hate what it has become.
And I absolutely NEED my friends to understand this… 100% of this flippant and disrespectful attitude we, as Americans, have adopted… is due to Leftist ideology… Collectivist ideology… The oh-so-horribly misnamed “Liberal” ideology, which is as far away from liberal as can possibly be.
The Socialists.
The Communists.
The Marxists (but then, I repeat myself thrice)
The Social Justice Warriors…
The Antifa fascists.
The entire Criminal Organization known as The Democratic Party…
All of the assholes who think that pride in America is equal to “white supremacy”.
Anyone who calls us “Jingoistic” or “Xenophobic”… the identitarians who would see us diminished in the world in some misguided attempt at equalizing all cultures…
Anyone who says with a straight face and with complete sincerity that “Our Diversity is our Strength”…
People who tear down Traditional American Values…
Cultural Relativists…
All of you are my enemy. My sworn enemy in word and deed.
ALL OF THESE PEOPLE must be defeated…
Because goddamnit, you’re WRONG! Just fucking WRONG! You’re fucking WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!
You’re wrong about Economics.
You’re wrong about political theory.
You’re wrong about sex and gender.
You’re wrong about race and culture.
You’re wrong about what RIGHTS are.
You’re literally just wrong about EVERYTHING you believe!
You’re leaches. You’re parasites on humanity. You’re ideologically and intellectually LAZY! You’re fucking STUPID! ALL OF YOU!
I would like to challenge you to watch this series of videos… and understand one thing about it…
THIS is what it means to be American… down to the heart and soul of it all.
And it’s something we’ve lost… and are in danger of losing forever, if we don’t have some sort of ideological renaissance.
If you do not cry while watching this… You have no soul… and you’re no friend of mine.