Right Angle

Nike Drops Betsy Ross Flag When Kaepernick Cries “Racist”, Arizona Drops Nike

Nike Drops Betsy Ross Flag When Kaepernick Cries “Racist”, Arizona Drops Nike

Former NFL benchwarmer turned anthem activist, Colin Kaepernick, tells his corporate sponsor he thinks the Betsy Ross version of the American flag is a banner for racism. When Kaepernick cries ‘racist’, Nike drops its new shoe emblazoned with that flag. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey drops plans to give Nike tax incentives to build a facility in his state.

17 replies on “Nike Drops Betsy Ross Flag When Kaepernick Cries “Racist”, Arizona Drops Nike”

I have a somewhat different (although not unique) view of why the media and political left want to make sure Americans hate America. The answer is simply because they want what the Chinese Communist Party has in China. I’m not directly talking about Communism so much as I’m talking about totalitarian control and personal wealth.

The CCP is probably the largest political party in the world not just because China is the largest country in the world but because in order to gain any measure of wealth in China, you generally have to be a member. And since they gained prominence in 1949, they have been working hard to destroy Chinese culture so that they can more easily manipulate the public. People with the strength of a knowledge of and pride in their history, family and land are much harder to manipulate than those who are really lost sheep anyway. In fact, there often isn’t anything you can do to stop them except send them to real concentration camps to await organ harvesting.

I watched many videos from inside China and documentaries about the actions of the newly rich Chinese outside of China. It’s sad to see such a robust culture so stripped of people to love it or even remember the history that recedes into the past faster every day. The children of the rich aren’t even interested in their country, only in staged selfies of them falling out of their cars scattering their “fluffiest” belongings around them. The more “middle class”, as such, are only worried about paying the bills. Someone else needs to take care of that historic temple over there that is falling to wrack and ruin. There is no community spirit any more. And minorities in the rural areas are tearing their families apart in order to make iPhones and such because they can not afford the steep schooling fees to move their children with them to the “big city” where they have to share accommodations anyway in back alley rabbit warrens.

This brings me to three unfortunate conclusions. 1. That the human cost of cheep stuff coming from China is too high. 2. That CCP leaders would burn their own mother alive for more power. 3. America has no choice but to uproot and destroy the seeds of such motivations before they gain more of a foot hold. Which means even Conservative Americans need to be more ostentatious (within the bounds of truth) in loving America then they are now. Or we will follow China’s model to self-destruction.

Candi CdeBaca won a runoff election against Denver city council president Albus Brooks by promising to implement communist policies “by any means necessary”.

Damn scary if you ask me. Just how stupid are these voters anyway?

If my research is accurate, the Betsy Ross Flag is STILL an official American flag and I as one person proudly own one, and will be flying it at every opportunity because it represents the CORE of our beliefs about the God given value of every human and that we must all stand together or, as B. Franklin said, “we will all certainly hang separately.” So, you can pull my Betsy Ross Flag from my ‘cold dead fingers because I’ll be damned if they’ll make ME back down from my love for this country’s Moral Principles!

I was thinking about the left’s obsession with deleting all that we hold dear from our history because of the imperfections of the past and this was my thought:

The Bible presents even its Heroes with warts and all. In the end only Jesus is presented as a sinless person. What we see in scripture with its unrelenting realism is that even the best of people can commit horrible acts and that even a person “after God’s Own Heart” can commit lying, murder and adultery.

The Apostle Paul wrote this to the Corinthians about the history in the Old Testament: “Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.”

In other words, the absolutely STUPIDEST thing a society can do is to purge the bad examples from their history under the pretense that they are now so enlightened that they are some new kind of human that can’t do bad things anymore and that they must disassociate themselves from everyone that came before them who they deem unworthy to be in their presence. The outcome of this kind of manipulation of History will absolutely and inevitably lead to the maximum possible expression of new evil in the world. It will NOT lead to a Utopia, because it is seeing bad examples from your own ancestral Heroes that keeps you grounded and makes you constantly check yourself to make sure that you’re not making similar mistakes.

Historical revisionism is blind narcissism at its worst and leaves us wide open for the worst kind of human evil. At our Sunday school class we were discussing this week the fact that curing physical blindness is a much smaller miracle than curing spiritual blindness because a physically blind person is aware that they’re blind but spiritual blindness has as its main feature the masking of its own existence to its possessor.

The problem with this modern historical revisionism is that it is a feature, not a bug, of Marxism. It enables them to do all the evil stuff again.

“Historical revisionism is blind narcissism at its worst and leaves us wide open for the worst kind of human evil.” I’m going to remember that one.

these cave-ins to the leftist bullies are so repellant because we are basically still paleolithically evolved beings and this goes against every instinct. We lived in small tribes of anything from 30 to 100 people for tens of thousands of years. Any troublemakers – like the Kapernick’s of the world – were either stoned to death or sent out of the group and left to fend and die in the wild.

If President Dwight D. Eisenhower were alive today, he might be inclined to modify his Farewell Address like so:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the RACISM-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of DELUSIONAL BELIEFS exists and will persist.

“We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of SELF-EVIDENT TRUTHS with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Racism is now an industry.

To follow up on Bill closing comments on Lefties – As I’ve said many a time to demonstrate how much Obama hated this country, you don’t feel the need to “fundamentally transform” something you love

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