Bill Whittle Now

No Guns for Abused Women: Do Victims Have Right to Self-Defense?

President Trump’s nominee to run the Office of Violence Against Women in the Department of Justice is unqualified, say some activists, because she advocates arming abused women for self-defense. If a woman buys a gun, they say, the abusive man is more likely to use it on her. What will really save women’s lives?

President Trump’s nominee to run the Office of Violence Against Women in the Department of Justice is unqualified, say some activists, because she advocates arming abused women for self-defense. If a woman buys a gun, they say, the abusive man is more likely to use it on her. What will really save women’s lives?

If you, or someone you know, is victim of an abuser, please call your local domestic violence hotline, or use the national hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233)

The Department of Health and Human Services also offers resources at

The Hotline provides the following services:
-Crisis intervention.
-Domestic violence education.
-Safety planning.
-Directly connecting callers to Service Providers such as local shelters.
-Referrals to agencies that provide legal, economic self-sufficiency, sexual assault, elder abuse, children’s and other related services.

17 replies on “No Guns for Abused Women: Do Victims Have Right to Self-Defense?”

More women need to become proficient with a handgun, for all the obvious reasons. Talk to Dana loecshe of the NRA. Not sure about the spelling of her last name? As well as all the female competitive shooters/fighter pilots out there. Society has degraded women’s confidence in themselves. Don’t let him know you have the gun. (to Bill’s point) Make him find out the hard way.(last resort of course). Listen to what Scott and Bill just said. Excellent video!! C Brown

My husband and I BOTH have concealed carry permits, do we argue? Of course we do, does it escalate to violence NO… and ARMED society is a POLITE society… there isn’t a room in our house that a loaded weapon isn’t easily accessed. For those who wonder, we do not have small children in our house, our youngest grand child is over 18 and we gave him his first 22 rifle and taught him to use it. So they all know gun safety.

I know somebody who escaped from an abusive relationship. She carries in case he tries to come after her. Interesting to note that the only place he’s showed up is at her place of work, where she’s not allowed to carry.

I’ve heard and read too many stories to buy into that writer’s theory. It’s amazing how many men are so brave when it comes to beating up a former wife or girlfriend. The day she shoots him, or at least does her best to hit her organic target, he frequently runs and does not attack her again. Leveling the playing field can save a life when it comes to dealing with those despicable bullies. However, it is crucial for the woman to have shot that gun enough to be sure she can use it and to understand that if she feels her life is in danger and she points the gun at someone she has to be willing to pull the trigger. If either of those two are lacking, then she may well be in danger of being killed with her own weapon.

Reminds me of Bill’s bully theory: It’s a toggle. Hit back once … and the bully is suddenly “woke.”

Our daughter had her boyfriend pull a gun on her and she told me don’t worry, he said it was not loaded! He gets angry a lot for nothing. I strongly advised her to call the police the next time he gets so angry and you are afraid and she did. She then found a place of her own and the police gave her an escort to her new place since she thought he would be at work but he came home from a dentist appointment. She, perhaps like many women, do not see the danger, which boggles my mind. Thanking God she is out of that situation and praying she does not do that again but finds a wonderful man who will treat her as they should and not use her as a prostitute. That is how I see it and find it abhorrent that bed hopping is accepted. There is always harm done and especially to the woman. It is really against their nature.

Plays Nickelback’s “Never Again”

To disagree with Bill, the nominee is dangerous… to Democrats. This is one more case of people being told they cannot be responsible for their own safety, that they must depend and rely on “the proper people”. When people take the red pill and take responsibility for themselves and their safety they find they don’t need Democrats helping them. They can stand on their own feet.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a college student having to walk to a dark parking lot after class, a nurse heading into a parking garage late at night (recently in Milwaukee, WI) or someone with a restraining order (only worth the paper its printed on as an Azana Spa worker found out in 2012) against a boyfriend/husband, if you are going to rely on the police, you’ll end up raped and strangled or beaten to death. Or maybe you can talk your attacker into using that 4 hand consent condom instead.

Isn’t it just as possible that the fact that she owns a gun deters the beating, or deters the type of men that might beat her from wanting to date her? Same as many other defensive “uses” of firearms that never make it to the news or to statistics.

Not only can you lie with statistics, but there is actually a book titled “How to Lie With Statistics” which was required reading for Education majors at the university where I got my BA in 1978. Wonder why they wanted all their teachers to know how to do that….

Love that you guys brought the topic out of the debate realm, and into the real of it all. (heart emoji placeholder).

That woman’s theory breaks down when we look at those abusive men who seek to hurt their partners outside of the household. How many headlines have we read where the murderer is an estranged boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife who shoots the “offending” party…and often some innocent bystanders as well, outside of the home?

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