The Democrats in NY State have been going nuts with passing oppressive bill after oppressive bill. This one takes the cake. This bill kills my retirement plans and hopes and dreams of starting my own bluestone, sand mining and lumber business/sawmill in upstate New York. Democrats are evil. I want out of this place so bad.
7 replies on “NY State Passes ‘Green New Deal”. God Help Us”
I know it is much easier said than done, but “Go where you are wanted” has become my motto and reminder to myself, and trusting in that has produced a measurable improvement in my happiness and well-being. In hand with that, I’ve concluded that Progressivism is only effective against a stationary target. It is enabled by our desire to stay put where our roots are and stand our ground in the often futile hope of things getting better rather than worse. Leaving the lunacy of California behind is one of the best things I’ve done for myself in the past 10 years, and now that New Jersey has flipped to a governor whose stated goal is to follow California’s example, my thoughts are focused on finding the next place to go. I’m grateful that my work is portable and can be done anywhere. I’m going to need to use that to my advantage to find a place where I am truly home and at ease. Advice is cheap, and you must do what is right for you, but Cuomo’s public statement that there “is no place” for conservatives in New York state is one I took as a pretty clear declaration of where things are and are headed. He deserves to get his wish granted, and to rule over the ruins. Wishing you good luck in the battle for liberty & happiness. We’re always glad to hear from you around here.
Rushing to the FIRST to be the WORST. Follow the money, and follow the migration. Is anyone investing if ANY ties exist between that states legislators and ANY of the “Green” jobs companies that are going to have money redistributed to them (straight up corruption)? The day this bill is signed let’s start a “migration watch”. I don’t expect to see a mass migration into NY State to bask in the wonders of net zero emissions. I recommend NY law makers examine closely the conditions under which charges can be brought under the RICO Act.
The beauty of the United States is that there are 49 other states you can choose to move to. And we need people fleeing these oppressive states to rob them of their tax revenue, and discourage them from tilting at these windmills.
actually there are really 40 other states I can move to. At least ten of them are hard-left democratic nightmares. I have my eye set on Tennessee.
VA was nice once. Now it is moving left at warp 9.
I know I would be considered a heretic by some for saying this, but from everything I have read, human caused climate change barely exists. It is not beyond a small percentage at most and 100% control of that portion would make an insignificant impact on whatever “climate change” is defined as today. To me the fact that the concept with the questionable science has so much traction today is a tribute to the effectiveness of the brain washing happening from a very young age in pubic schools.
That said, it sure feels like these crazy zealots are rushing to do anything they possibly can to crush the economy and by extension the standard of living in the US as quickly as possible.
Couldn’t agree moore – Patrick Moore that is.