Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the hero in a new comic custom-made for idol-worshipping Leftists. “AOC and the Freshman Force” takes on the Republican and Democratic establishment with satire. But why does the Left need to lionize lawmakers like Ocasio-Cortez?
Ocasio-Cortez Hero of New Comic for Idol Worshipping Leftists
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the hero in a new comic custom-made for idol-worshipping Leftists. “AOC and the Freshman Force” takes on the Republican and Democratic establishment with satire. But why does the Left need to lionize lawmakers like Ocasio-Cortez?

11 replies on “Ocasio-Cortez Hero of New Comic for Idol Worshipping Leftists”
Most progressive storytelling just reinforces non progressive principles. You take something like the movie Elysium by Blomkamp. If they had stuck to rich evil overlords in space are preventing this little girl from getting treatment and we are going to die helping her. You can add in all the points about how these people are rich and oppressive and still have a good story. Then it inevitably goes off the rails into a socialist delusion by making everyone a citizen of the super space mansion. Are people going to hop up to the station on their little Timmy crutches. Are the five ambulances they send down to help the billions of downtrodden going to save the world. You would literally die of old age waiting in line. This is what turns a decent sci fi story in to stupid propaganda that is worth serious ridicule.
I prefer Kurt Schlichter’s nickname for her, “Gulag Barbie”.
And this is a long point being oversimplified, but Leftists need their idolatry to compensate for their lack of spirituality. It’s also why they’re so vulnerable to conspiracy hoaxes, like Russia, Global Warming, etc
Yup, the Socialist, Big Government, Holy State (take your pick) church needs its priests, bishops and cardinals. They also need their saints and arch angels, devils and demons.
It’s not your fault, Bill. When you get right down to it, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is just plain boring to talk about.
I’m thinking about having some new MABA hats made.
Make Alexandria a Bartender Again
I think they’ll sell.
No need – my bold prediction is that she’ll p*** off Pelosi enough to get her primaried in 2 years and straight to a prime time gig on MS-13NBC
I shudder to think just what her superpower will be.
Has too be something to do with googly-eyes, though.
Blow through a budget faster than a speeding bullet!
Will build gulags powerful enough to keep the peasants contained!
Able to destroy 25000 jobs in a single bound!
Eureka!!! Can post comments and not have your video stop and reset to the beginning! Great work Scott!
Here I go again!
I don’t know where I’m goin’
But I sure know where I’ve been……
Miracle man!