Left-Wing scientists have made a major new discovery: a new racism particle has been found! Chances are excellent that you are being exposed to them many times a day. Usually mocking these people is Serious Business, but there are times when things get so ridiculous that the show simply goes off the rails. This is one of those times.
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43 replies on “Pantry Shaming”
LOL You just can’t make this stuff up! LOL
I was laughing out loud, gents. When was the last time you saw that phrase spelled out?
I LOVE my Oxo Pop Top containers, among other organizers… Love my pantry
And here I thought it would be a bunch of white women flashing their pantries.
My wife has organized the cabinets, pantry, and refrigerator so well I cannot find anything.
Hey, you need an abstract, too.
Now you see, I thought this would be all about cultural appropriation of ingredients … so y’all threw me a curve ball here. 😀
Ok, Scott, you got me with the pantry hoes and the pantry liners 😀
And Steve, my music is organized the same way.
SO racist … I know.
Yet another reason to ban Tik Tok … Any woman of any color who has worked hard enough to get “Doctor” in her name and has enough time to look at Tik Tok videos to spurn in her harpy-like envy and petty, catty jealousy — Needs to get a real job.
That this woman with “Doctor” in her name has the time and inclination to watch Tik Tok videos about pantry organizers and then write articles about the same is de facto proof she does not have a real, productive job.
That she doesn’t have to work for a living and has time to write articles about the racism of neat pantries … Tells me she’s a slovenly hog and I pity the man, if any, that has to put up with her stinky crap. No doubt, man in her life or not, her offspring will grow up to be just like her.
And we wonder how pantries can be racist? It’s because an actual racist sees opportunities to apply their racism everywhere. She didn’t write this article because ‘white women do stuff’. She wrote this article because she’s a race hating racist and hates white women. It wouldn’t matter what white women do, this hater is gonna hate it.
The irony of self hate never ceases to amaze me. But there she is, a white white-hater.
Wealthy, or well off white female wokinistas are the worst anti-white racists in the first world. Followed closely in second by the soy-boy beta males that pursue them and third place goes to genuine black racists like Ibram X. Kendi.
The motivations for racism in each of those three cases is different.
In the latter two instances the explanation is easy. Soy-boy beta males are spurned by real, feminine, normal women. This type of male is no more desirable for fathering offspring than a beta male in any other species would be. For these beta boys their most productive prospects lie with abnormal women who they can demonstrate their fealty to with mewling and groveling — Something a normal woman would not tolerate or at least not for long.
Black racists are no different than any other sort of racist. Some of the most racist groups of people on the planet live in Africa where tribalism is everything. Asians, the various Indian tribes in the Americas, etc. all have their racists and I have encountered them in every group of people I’ve ever interacted with or observed. This is just garden variety racism and there’s nothing remarkable, new or noble about it.
The case with white female racists is the most puzzling. Jewish people have struggled for centuries with a form of self-hatred and vague guilt but not all of these women are Jewish. If that were the case then it would be a simple matter of psychological conversion where they displace their own self-hatred onto others. There’s something else going on here with this group. Something vicious and malicious …
What that thing is can be parsed by looking at what this white hating white woman is really saying. She’s saying …
“I hate you bitches who keep a neat, clean house for yourselves and your families. So I’m going to throw the most damaging spear I can weild and call you all racists.”
Because at the root of it, that’s what she’s really doing and it’s all that she’s really doing. She found a trend on Tik Tok of people who like to organize their pantries. She noticed that the preponderance of people posting those videos were white women. The fact that there are very likely just as many Black women who like cleanliness and order in their homes but do not post in proportionate numbers (and for all I know they do post in a proportionate 20%) is irrelevant once this angry, lonely, rejected feminist perceived the situation as an opportunity to toss bombs.
So the conclusion in this case is that this woman is just an unhinged sow who deserves to be ignored. And …
I don’t even have a pantry. I use the old fashioned method of storing things in cupboards all over the place so according to this woman’s standards I can’t be a racist because I do not participate in pantry organizing.
This is not the version playing on YouTube
Yes, they got the Witch Hunt video uploaded with the title of this video … need to get that fixed.
Oh, and this is the Dr. Jenna Drenten Steve and the New York Post was referring to……just so we’re clear on comments in the episode. Precision matters.
Here’s one of her awesome quotes from the Post article:
“Cleanliness has historically been used as a cultural gatekeeping mechanism to reinforce status distinctions based on a vague understanding of ‘niceness’: nice people, with nice yards, in nice houses, make for nice neighborhoods.
“What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures.”
Annnnnnndddd Here’s Dr. Jenna….
Annnnddddd, I’m safe. No where on the web either in her website OR linkedin or on the school site does she make a big deal about her pronouns…
so at least she has that going for her…which is nice.
Perhaps. But you know what the effect was? Lower class people strived to emulate the manners and cleanliness and even manner of dress of the upper classes to the best of their ability whenever practical.
And that was a GOOD thing.
Beats the hell out of today’s crass society where people post on facebook how proud they are of dropping the F-bomb every other word, or that they’re disorganized and can’t pull their lives together.
It used to be the GOAL of society, the GOAL of child-rearing, to produce as many adults who were capable of pulling their lives together as possible and who could be polite to each other even when they disagreed on things.
Ah, but to yearn for those days is “backward” and, of course, “racist” and “sexist” and “ist-ist”.
You think THAT’s racist? Wait til she hears of my 3 month supply of Patriot Supply emergency food, neatly stored in an organized fashion in my garage on new steel storage racks from…..the Home Depot.
Actually, those racks are probably made in China….and they’re painted RED!
Can we get a pronoun check on this doctor, because I may have misgendered the doctor by referring to the doctor as “she”. Can’t be flippant about these things, you know…..
Since Bill mentioned The Ventures….
Bill, make Telstar by The Ventures your TSL walk-up music. Right Before Petula. One of their greatest songs. Telstar, not I know A Place…..
From the Nasa History website:
“Telstar was launched by NASA on July 10, 1962, from Cape Canaveral, Fla., and was the first privately sponsored space-faring mission. Two days later, it relayed the world’s first transatlantic television signal, from Andover Earth Station, Maine, to the Pleumeur-Bodou Telecom Center, Brittany, France.”
Um, or MY organized pantry. Sexist! ;~)
Ah what would we do without all these educated idiots to tell us how to live our lives? Probably have more fun in life, in all seriousness this wokism is getting ridiculous and needs to stop. Get out of our lives liberals.
Great! Now everyone in my office is giving me sidelong looks, thanks to the loud, involuntary bark of laughter that escaped at “pantry-hoes’!
I hate you guys!
II take that back.
I hope you’re doin’ fine,
and if I had a dollar,
I might give you ninety-nine!
Thanks, Phil. First run I heard that as “panty hose” and wondered what that had to do with the conversation.
Scott also gave us ‘pantry liners’ later in the commentary.
He was really in pun-isher mode when they recorded this episode!
Snork! That reminds me of a song, entitled Baby Got Back, that was released and made popular by Sir Mix-A-Lot in May 1992. (“I like big butts and I cannot lie …”)
The Pantry Porn Particle (I do enjoy some good ol’ alliteration) could only be invented by someone with a PhD, because we all know that BS has to be been Piled Higher and Deeper to obtain such a certification.
Steve, you need to commission a bar cart to be made by Boston Dynamics! It would bring your drinks, take away your empty glasses, and wash the glasses before putting them away! And if anyone isn’t familiar with what Boston Dynamics has already created, check out their Youtube channel. It will make you believe that the first 2 Terminator movies were documentaries of future events.
Oh no! On TikTok? Now the Chinese will know which of us have pickled beets in our pantries! Security issues….
Stephen is my kindred soulmate. We’re both on the same wavelength vis a vis ammo. (But not my toolboxes, necessarily – the screwdriver drawer is especially trashed.)
My wife and no few past co-workers claimed I suffered from a relatively mild form of OCD. My response was that I have PSA (Put shit away!!).
Its not OCD if you can walk down a store isle and not straighten something.
Ok, I have OCD then!
I am not sure if it really would be OCD (and not just a joke) or more of being generally helpful to both my fellow customers and the employees of a retail store. I do find my self pulling boxes to the front edge or tidying up a little bit around the thing for which I am looking.
I just tell people I don’t have OCD. I have CDO. It is like OCD but all the letters are in the right order.
I laugh when ever I read that.
Will you guys please do a show on what’s really behind China’s offer to help Putin negotiate a peace plan with Ukraine?
Just thought of this and decided to make it a separate comment. I have 4 rescue dogs. Main food is in bag in garbage can. However, the Milk Bones and Blue Buffalo Salmon Treats are each in their own pop top Oxo containers.
And they know they are there. And look at them when they expect a treat. And know when should get them.
My dogs scare me about how smart they are. My wife and I are outnumbered. The only saving grace is that they don’t have opposable thumbs.
Pantry Ho. Laughed myself sick.
Whole episode gets bookmarked for future laughs.
So Steve….does John Cougar get filed separately from John Cougar Mellencamp?
Sarc and drollery – 2 of my fav forms of commentary style.👍
What’s next? I’ll tell you what. Workshop porn!!!
I do most of the grocery shopping and cooking at my house, despite my wife being a good cook. If I want to “send a chill up (my wife’s) leg”, I’ll organize the pantry.
I struggle with disorganization. Every once in a while I will organize a closet, cupboard, table top, etc., and it takes just about twenty-four hours for it to begin looking like it did before the organization. I have always been ashamed of this aspect of my life.
I feel so liberated now! Dr. Drenten has become my idol. She has shown me my besetting sin (one of them, anyway,) is actually a virtue. I am not a racist, and I can hold my head high!
A Nobel Prize for this woman!
I am so jealous, you make it 24 hours after organization before it looks disheveled again? Amazing.
My wife and I (and we passed this gene to our daughter) have a terrible habit of laying things down on flat surfaces. Everytime we get religion and “straighten up” as soon as we come back in the house, there we go again.
I rearrange my pantry three times a year to no great avail.
Glad this was given the sarcastic treatment it so richly deserved.