Daytime tv constantly probes new depths in the downfall of our culture. Today’s new low: Paternity Court. Where adulterous women attempt to prove that their children are their husband’s despite their numerous affairs. The various adulterers are displayed alongside the respective children to gauge their resemblance. At some point what I presume is the husdand’s side woman comes out with the kid she had too, for some reason. I guess to show he’s not a total cuckold or something. Rather than just bash away, let me just say that the woman who portrays the judge is attractive. I predict that this is going to be a big hit, if it isn’t already.
5 replies on “Paternity Court”
That show is on once in awhile when I come home from work, and I get to listen to a snippet now and then.
I’m constantly amazed at people who air their dirty laundry on TV. Why do they do that? You would think anything that sordid you’d want to keep behind closed doors.
Those of us who go to work during the day are like the guy who falls asleep in a cave for 300 years. When we emerge, we find that the whole world has changed.
This is looking more and more like “Idiocracy”. I do not recognize the country I am living in. I guess I have lived too long…
Idiocracy: the only movie that was made as a comedy, and turned into a documentary.