I have a serious problem with the concept of a “Hate Crimeā€¯.
Those convicted of a Hate Crime are punished more than others that are punished for the same act against someone else.
This is flat wrong.
If you assault a person, that is a crime.
But why should it be worse if it is believed the person did it due to hate? I am quite certain it was not done out of love.
To me what this is saying is that we value this victim more than we value another and thus punish more heavily.
I is unfortunate that gay people or those of a certain ethnicity have been targeted. I truly feel for them. I suggest that if you are constantly being hounded by people that would want to assault you… start carrying a gun.
The only exception I may make (because there are exceptions to just about everything) and that is an assault on a pregnant woman. Because that is an assault on 2 persons.
But; likewise, if the woman initiates the conflict, she should be charged with child endangering.
I use assault as a typical case of what we refer to as a hate-crime.
Lately the term has been stretched to encompass all manner of things.
Soon toddlers will be in prison for the hate crime against peas.
2 replies on “Political beliefs (Hate Crime)”
My sentiments exactly. As deeply as I despise the perpetrators of the sorts of vicious attacks that truly merit the “hate crime” label, the rational part of my mind knows that an action is an action, and a crime is a crime, regardless of the motive. The label diminishes the suffering of other victims (My aunt was murdered in her home in L.A.; am I supposed to be relieved that it was not a “hate crime”? Was her suffering at the hands of her killer any less, and is she any less dead?), and opens the door to a dangerous world where other’s inferences about one’s thought process become grounds for prosecution or a harsher sentence. The related concept of “hate speech” is a threat to all speech with which a particular listener in a position of authority may not agree. Orwellian stuff that we’d do well to steer clear of. This strikes me as another case where first-stage thinking tempts one to conclude that “hate crimes”, being truly despicable to decent people, are deserving of particularly harsh sentences and condemnation, but only on further reflection does one realize what a can of unintended consequences that opens.
The left is starting to eat itself alive, I think the left’s destructive philosophy will end itself. Maybe we should just sit back with a big bowl of popcorn and watch them self destruct before our eyes while the country is restored to freedom.