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Popular Insurrection

I was just reading a thread on a friend’s page, the gist of which was that if our government were to ever go full-blown tyrant, that a popular insurrection would stand no chance. That we, the people, with our handguns, shotguns, hunting rifles and AR-15s, would stand no chance against the might of the US military, so there’s no reason for citizens to have semi-auto weapons.

While there’s some truth to the idea that a rag-tag coalition of civilians, armed with mostly sporting weapons, versus the most highly trained, and best equipped fighting force in the history of the world would be something of a lopsided contest, the fundamental premise of the meme is sophistry and disingenuous. A rag-tag coalition of civilians took on the greatest military in the history of the world in 1776, and we all know how that turned out.

In conversations with friends, both here on Facebook, and in real life, I’ve heard (read) grumblings from both Conservatives and Liberals about government overreach and lack of transparency. “Those rat bastards in Washington don’t give a shit about the Will of the People” is the central theme from BOTH sides of the aisle (this disaffection was the genesis of both the Sanders and Trump campaigns).
Consider this; current estimates place the number of privately owned firearms in the US, in the area of 300,000,000. If the government is willing to abuse their power and ignore their constituency to this degree, when the citizenry are armed to the teeth, how much worse would it be, if we couldn’t shoot back?

The idea that “Oh well, we wouldn’t stand a chance, so we should surrender our arms, be good little Proles, and be grateful for whatever table scraps our Ruling Class gives us” is positively un-American.
Americans are rebels and fighters by our very nature. We don’t accept tyranny or injustice, we fight. We push till something gives. Whether at the ballot box, or protests in the streets, or (as a last resort) by force of arms, we fight for the little guy, the helpless, the oppressed. It’s what we do. We’re Americans.

Trading liberty for (perceived) security is never a good deal. Once freedom is lost, blood must be paid in order to get it back. Don’t be fooled by all the “common sense” rhetoric. A disarmed populace is an oppressed populace. Never surrender. “From my cold, dead hands!”

7 replies on “Popular Insurrection”

A revolution does not begin in a country in the same way a steam engine does not explode. There are safety valves which prevent it. The problem with our country is that those safety valves, equal justice under law, the ability to speak one’s mind freely, and the ability to peacefully protest are being tied down by the Democrats and elites in government, as well as the tech corporations. Speak your mind on Twitter or Facebook and you get de-platformed. Speak your mind on YouTube and you get de-monetized or banned. Watch criminals in government get away with their crimes over and over again. The average citizen is powerless to stop these safety valves from being tied down. All the while, the Democrats are stoking the boiler with violence, speech suppression, and indifference to the law. They should be warned that the result of this may be an explosion the likes of which hasn’t been seen in this country since the Civil War.

While we might all hope the concept of armed rebellion never occurs, the reality is that if it ever does, it’s success or failure will depend totally on the reaction of law enforcement personnel and the military. Our local Sheriffs are the closest most citizens ever get to law enforcement personnel because they are generally ELECTED not appointed. Many Sheriffs across the country have defied the pronouncements of Governors, Mayors and State Legislatures if those rulings are contrary to our Constitution. This has been particulary true with Second Amendment issues. It is vital that citizens get to know their local Sheriff, and make sure they will defend our Constitutional rights if the government overreaches. As to our military. Another comment stated they are all volunteers. I pray that they understand the necessity to defend the citizens, not the abstaction of the government, if push ever comes to shove. Our lives and liberty will depend upon that.

Each and every military member takes an oath to support and defend the constitution. Each and every military member knows that they are personally responsible for their actions which includes judging if an order is lawful. Stripping away the firearms of Americans? In violation of the Second Amendment? Our military is all volunteer. Nobody is going to volunteer for that.

I doubt most American soldiers would do the deed if our government went full Stalin anyways. They are freedom loving Americans too, far more so than most Americans, and I’d be willing to bet very few would follow the orders to subdue their fellow citizens for oppressive politicians.

Agreed. But, I’m hanging on to my guns anyway. I like being self-reliant.

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