Right Angle

Populist Revolt Rolls On: Free Markets, Liberty, Sweeping the World

The entire Progressive Socialist argument seems primed for collapse as Populist revolts continue to sweep on country after another. Will Conservatives shake off the constraints of their own terminology, and reclaim the high moral ground of free markets and individual liberty in time to save the world?

The entire Progressive Socialist argument seems primed for collapse as Populist revolts continue to sweep on country after another. Will Conservatives shake off the constraints of their own terminology, and reclaim the high moral ground of free markets and individual liberty in time to save the world?

13 replies on “Populist Revolt Rolls On: Free Markets, Liberty, Sweeping the World”

I’d like to mention Italy, where the Euro election were dominated by the Lega, a conservative anti-illegal immigration aprty which the usual bien pensants will depict as right wing nationalist. That’s BS. The progressives, mostly the so called PD (Democrtic Party, believe it or not- LOL) are dwindling into single digits.

Mark Levin wrote an outstanding book entitled AMERICANIZATION nd the TYRANNY OF THE PROGRESSIVE.Mark Levin in his outstanding book REDISCOVERING AMERICANISM and the TYRANNY of PROGRESSIVISM states :
“Throughout ‘Rediscovering Americanism,’ you’ll see these dichotomies. You’ll see these opposites,” he explained.

“Americanism versus progressivism. What does that mean? It means constitutionalism versus centralism. It means individualism versus conformity.”

Levin continued: “It’s about private property versus collectivism. Prosperity versus redistribution. Separation of powers versus the administrative state. Eternal universal truths versus ideological social engineering. Stability versus constant transformation. Real science versus social science. The rights of man versus the power of government. An eternal moral order versus situational ethics. Liberty versus growing authoritarianism. Education versus indoctrination. The civil society versus the federal leviathan.”

You articulated a very important idea in this episode that I’ve noticed but haven’t understood clearly until you said it. The people of the world are tearing down their evil leftist governments, but the hard part will building up good ones. Conservatism is not just the negative of the left; it has positive qualities that are necessary as well. Everyone says that gen z is the most conservative yet, but that isn’t quite true. They know that they hate the left, but they don’t have any traditional conservative values, morals, or beliefs. They are more anti-left than conservative; they lack the positive conservative parts. They’re dishonest, selfish, often hedonistic, and just downright sinful (as a generation). Take it from an insider. We need to get our morals back if we every want to stand a chance of rebuilding a conservative society.

The capitalism Marx talked about wasn’t real capitalism. Real capitalism hadn’t really been done correctly at that time.

At least that would be their argument.

Now though we do have capitalism done right, and unlike Socialism it actually has good results and benefits. The name is important for discussion and arguments, but it is the understanding of what is meant by the term that confuses people. If someone doesn’t know how the free market works, will they be any more swayed by talking about “free markets” vs “capitalism”?

Does a rose by another other name smell as sweet?

The libs are always re-naming everything. How about a contest to re-name capitalism? Maybe something like American free enterprise or Artful Dealers or American Free Traders? Put on your thinking caps.

Interesting idea. I’ve often thought similarly about the “conservative” label. Sounds so stuffy, stodgy and boring. Dennis Prager makes a good case about why we could (if we wanted) call ourselves “liberals” (which sounds SO much more open-minded and enlightened!), because we believe in the principle of liberty much more than the Leftists who wrongfully claim that label.

Scott, this ain’t the way the world works. Lincoln stated, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Frankly, this quote is misleading. All a politician needs to do today is fool enough of the people at election time. And it doesn’t take a lot of fooling when a nation such as ours is split down the middle between woke and delusionals. All a politician needs to do is fool enough of the woke folks to carry the election, since the delusionals are already in the bag for the politician’s utopian tomfoolery.

Capitalism is NOT obsolete. The word was twisted by Marx as a pejorative. But capitalism is a necessary, self-evident truth for free people to be able to pursue the right of happiness. Marx misappropriated this word just as the homosexual community misappropriated the rainbow. Only woke people can apply it in its proper sense.

The world has never been more divided and the gulf between the two sides is getting wider. This is the proverbial irresistible force against an immovable object and something has got to give. What’s going to give is spelled out in the book of Revelation.

RE: “All a politician needs to do is fool enough of the woke folks to carry the election…”

Well, and it also helps to rig voting machines, allow felons, illegals, dead and comatose people to vote, and allow voting “early and often”. I actually worry about those scenarios more than about people being naive and foolish.

It is far more important to have SELF OWNERSHIP rather than free markets and individual liberty. It is the foundational value that makes free markets and individual liberty possible. Without it, you are owned by someone or something else which makes free markets and individual liberty impossible. In that case all are enslaved to all which makes any concept of freedom inoperative.

In a nutshell, Marx had no idea what he was talking about. He had, at best, a college sophomore bull-session grasp of economics. To the extent he was right, his point of reference was early 19th century, imperial Germany. Pre Krupp and all the social improvements that Krupp brought to the table.

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