BW Member Blog

Programming Shift: Whittle Project Moves Schedule

Today’s the primary video shooting day, for a new Bill Whittle project, so we won’t record Right Angle as we normally do. Everything will get pushed back a day.

Members who watch The Stratosphere Lounge will know that Bill Whittle’s in the midst of a landmark project related to his passion for flight and space exploration. Today’s the primary video shooting day, so we won’t record Right Angle as we normally do. Everything will get pushed back a day, including Bill Whittle Now (although BWN-187 posts this morning).

This makes a good time to catch up on shows you missed, dip into the archive of classics, or scroll back through the Member Blog.

While we regret any inconvenience, we’re also excited for the new project. Thank you, as always, for your faithful support. 

6 replies on “Programming Shift: Whittle Project Moves Schedule”

Thanks for the update, Scott. I for one, appreciate your acknowledgment of your Citizen Producer Overlords, who will find you useful as you toil in the sugar caves.

Hey! Maybe now one of you can do a show on tonight’s Trump rally. Over 100,000 tickets requested for a 25,000 seat venue. They’re setting up giant screens outside and bringing in food trucks for the overflow. It’s almost like a festival!

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