We were about to release this the day the Israeli massacre occurred, but that horror eclipsed everything. Fortunately, there does not seem to be any evidence that today’s subject’s behavior is improving, so this is an evergreen, timeless classic.
They really are such charming people.
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20 replies on “Progressive Indecencyy”
Because the Left is evil.
I am not totally at a loss for words, but I believe that you gentlemen summed it up nicely. I will add that these pinhead progressives ought to be pilloried, while being naked. With a willow switch behind the pillory for any sensible person to put to good use…that’s all for now.
I sure wish that LINK had been provided.
You have to -KNOW- that idiot will be watching the comments to see the effect he had. And I’d LOVE to be able to impart to him how much of a low IQ #PissPoorMother he had to have raised him to be like that.
And the #PissPoorGrandParents that raised her in a likely Incest environment. I’d have to ask if his last name is Whittiker.
(YouTube search “Whittiker Family”)
No repercussions, no ramifications.
I remember when I had (shallow) feelings or desires to yell “at the man.” (Remembering this it seemed to always be after a really grueling test in Medical School.) It wasn’t just the professors I wanted to yell at, it was also the ‘bad guys’ heading corporations that seemed to sacrifice the earth with their polluting factories and the ‘people pulling the strings’ of the economy who were above consequences themselves. I’d turn up the stereo really loud and put on “Stop Making Sense” with Gabriel Byrne of The Talking Heads, singing along to “Burning Down the House”. A few more head-banging tunes later it was out of my system and I was back to being controllable by the aforementioned ‘people pulling the strings’.
Nowadays, people seem to do just the opposite, but for much more stupid reasons, much worse bad behavior, and much more soul-killing actions.
I would ask why you don’t insert video clips like this into the show, but I don’t think I’d want to see this one…lol.
Sorry, Scott, but based upon Steve’s description of the video hack, it wasn’t anyone’s ego that got stroked. Yuck!
The most unfortunate thing about all of this is the apparent desire by perverted individuals to destroy humanity and any associated decency.
It seems that the lessons of the Jonah and the Fish story is pertinent. Our libertarian insistence upon letting others do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else seems to fly in the face of God’s instruction that Jonah preach His warning to the wicked people of Nineveh. It seems that in our efforts to live and let live, we are guilty of the same offense as Jonah: our society does not insist upon acceptable human behavior, and we’re reaping the “rewards” of such inaction.
Bill, are you feeling okay? you look like you are having a pretty hard time. Just concerned for you
(The audio seems to be discombobulated, with you guys talking over each other [even more than usual] and relatively long periods of silence.)
All politics derives from theology, whether anybody likes that fact, or not. Sound politics can derive from sound, or unsound, theology because God’s principles work beause they’re His principle’s and not because of who’s applying them. Unsound politics is ALWAYS derived from unsound theology. Christians (and non-Christians who hold to the Christian worldview) adhere to decency. The God-haters despise decency because they hate God.
Sexual crudeness linked with violence, mocking, and taunting are all hallmarks of demonic possession and central to images in satanic worship. Although the “demonstrators” (noting that ‘demon’ is in the name) may not realize it, the rest of us do.
Last weekend my husband and I were at a restaurant. Going down the stairs as we were leaving, we heard a very loud shouting match. A man was screaming, “You’re a dude!” and many other things. The “dude” was screaming back at him in all his smug righteousness. He was playing the trans card as he was standing just inside the door to the ladies room that the other man’s ten or twelve year old daughter had just come out of. There were many stunned gawkers standing around watching.
Me and my big mouth decided to stand in solidarity with the father of the young girl, and said (I did not yell,) “You don’t belong in there.” They seemed not to hear me, so we proceeded to leave the restaurant.
As we reached the door I heard the father yelling some about young children, and the “dude” countered with, “Well you know, I was once a young child myself.”
I then looked back, and said, “You’re not anymore. Grow up.”
This time he heard me, and the stream of vitriolic profanity which followed me out the door would make a sailor blush.
The curious thing is that though this “dude” was claiming to be a woman, it didn’t seem to me he was trying very hard. He looked more goth to me. Is this a new thing in the so called trans “community?” You can claim to be a woman while not making much of an attempt to look like a woman?
We all need to take a stand against this sort of thing, as I said to Mark Hunn below. You did. That’s all you need to do, you don’t need to get in a fist fight with a man who wants to play dress-up. You don’t need to stand there screaming and being screamed at. You just need say “This is wrong” so other people can hear you. Sometimes that’s all you can do but always it is what is called for at a minimum.
Just FYI, and hindsight is always 20/20 so I’m not criticizing you, if that man had said to me “Well you know, I was once a young child myself.” my reply would have been …
“… and how tragic that no one stood up for you back then against the kind of man you’ve become today. I’m doing that because your dick doesn’t belong in the same restroom as my daughter.”
But then I’m a guy, a very aggressive guy, and I would have been ready to defend myself if this feral critter attacked. You did the right thing all considered.
There’s no point arguing with these people. There’s nothing there to argue with. We can’t afford all the jails we need. Perhaps it’s time to bring back dueling or, at least good old fashioned ass whooping.
How about tar and feathering?
I think you’re right. I believe it’s the lack of ass whooping that has led to this current sorry state.
When and where I grew up, if you got out of line someone would put you back in your place.
Teachers had paddles and they used them. Parents trusted teachers to use their paddles judiciously and righteously. Because back then teachers were worthy of that trust. If you got paddled by your teacher, you had it coming and your parents were going to side with the teacher not you. I know all this from direct personal experience.
Human offspring did not somehow magically evolve in a generation or two to the point where that kind of thing was no longer needed. It was still badly needed, it just wasn’t being done. If there are no consequences for negative behavior then there’s nothing to stem that bad behavior. The lessons that yield an orderly, respectful, genuinely tolerant society are never learned.
Nor are we today permitted to correct negative behavior in an adult when it is well and truly merited. There are people who when confronted with that sort of behavior just shake their heads and walk away. Preferring to think of the miscreant as less than themselves (which they are) rather than to address negative behavior. Whenever someone thinks that dealing with that sort of thing “just isn’t worth it”, whether dealing with it takes the form of a physical attitude adjustment or a verbal stand against it, they only ensure that sort of thing will increase.
I’m just not going to let that kind of crap slide. This makes me unpopular at times and I don’t care. I’m not trying to win any popularity contests and I know I can’t change the world all by myself. What I can do is refuse to be part of the problem.
You have written untold numbers of paragraphs on this site. This one may be your best to date.
I would add that if there are no consequences the bad behavior not only increases, but gets worse. All children try to find where that line is. I recall visiting my sister and at a friend of hers house. It was past time to go and they were trying to get the kids to clean up and have her two leave. They started the counting BS. My nephew asks, when they finally got down the steps, why do parents all count to 3. I got in his ear and said, because they never smacked your ass or they wouldn’t have to count.
When we were teens, my dad’s exasperated threat was cut it out or I will put your head through the wall. Once my aunt asked my brother why that didn’t seem to adjust his behavior. He simply said, well he never does put my head through the wall. Kids aren’t dumb. If the threat is meaningless, they know.
I saw a clip on Megyn Kelly’s show earlier of a total anti-semite in Harvard Sq saying the Jews should be exterminated. Two female students were recording him and making comments – thanks for making our point, etc. The thing that amazed me is that no one, guy or gal, went up to him (he was of course wearing a Covid mask so he couldn’t be identified) and said, ok tough guy start with me. And gave the twerp a beat down or at least tried. Just let him spew his BS and walk away.
That is flabbergasting to me. I may be older and can’t lift both arms above my head, but I can still give some good body blows.
Yes, permitting negative behavior amplifies that behavior on all vectors. You don’t just get more of it, what you get becomes worse and worse too.
Well disciplined children require little punishment. Not no punishment but the best way to keep from strangling them in their sleep is to maintain discipline.
I’m bragging here because I’m proud of my kids. My kids knew that when I said “No” it meant no. No amount of whining, wheedling or snivelling was going to change that in the tiniest way. Doing that would incur punishment. If I said no, it was no. If their mom said no, it was no. If I said no and their mom said yes, or vice-verse, it was still no so don’t try to play one of us against the other. Doing that will incur punishment.
If I said “pack your trash, we’re on the road for home” they were waiting for me at the car while their mom and I said goodbye to our hosts.
If I said “I’ll pick you up at 7:00” they knew they’d better be standing where they could see me when I pulled up. So that I could see them heading for my car within no more than a couple minutes. They learned this because they had to walk if they didn’t respect their ride enough to be on time and ready to go. It’s fine with me if they wanted to walk, be three minutes late and the decision to walk or ride was made for you.
This latter example is a real thing that happened. They decided they wanted to be in Boy Scouts and I thought that was a great idea. I was a Boy Scout once, I said ‘yes’ immediately. The first time they went to Scouts was a cold winter’s night and I had to go hunt them down in the church where the Scout meetings were held. They saw the end of the Scout meeting as an opportunity to play with the friends they joined Scouts to be with in the first place.
I told them the next time they were not waiting at the door inside the warm church looking for my arrival they would walk home. I didn’t have to repeat myself and they never did that again. It just hadn’t occurred to them that they needed to be ready when Dad pulled up. So I explained it to them, described the consequences and there was never any problem. Because I didn’t lie to my kids and they knew damn well if they pulled that again they’d be walking the half mile home on a frigid Minnesota winter’s night.
I’m not a sadist, especially not to my kids. I told them they had to be ready and waiting at the time they told me to pick them up. I didn’t care if they played with their buddies for a half hour or whatever. Tell me to come get you at 7:30 if that’s what you want. But you’d damn well better not leave me sitting in a car with the engine running for a half an hour either. Or wandering through a building not knowing where the hell my kids are when where they ought to be is in the car on the way home.
I didn’t get mad, I didn’t jump on them, I just explained to them that I was doing them a favor and this is how they repay that favor. If you don’t do this, I will leave and consider you an ingrate for the favor I tried to do for you. You will walk home and I will be sitting there in a nice warm house watching TV when you get there.
When you tell your kids to do something and they don’t, and you tell them you’re going to (fill in the blank ______) if they don’t and you don’t. That’s lying to them. If you don’t lie to them, they know where they stand and what’s required of them. Then you don’t have to punish them all the time. Well disciplined kids need very little punishment. I didn’t like punishing my kids so this worked out for the best for everyone.
As for those who endorse bloody-handed murderers … Obviously their daddy, if they had one that lived with them, couldn’t be bothered to act like a real dad. If I have to take on that role no matter how briefly — They’re really, really not going to like it.
I don’t know that I’ll ever confront someone being where I am, but I would like to try out the phrases I’ve heard… “you sound like a Nazi with all of your Jew hate, and we’re supposed to punch Nazis” which is where I would stop and see what the punk says. Probably a followup would involved accusing him of being unarmed in a battle of wits, or having the intelligence and understanding of a child and I don’t assault children.
“Teachers had paddles and they used them. Parents trusted teachers to use their paddles judiciously and righteously.“
And yet, not every teacher was perfect even back then.
I had my hand swatted, repeatedly, by a nun in the Catholic elementary school I attended. Because I insisted on using my left hand to write! Because, Satan.
When my parent found out, a Parent-Teacher-Principal conference was called. I wasn’t there, but I heard later that the key phrase used was “This is not the middle-ages! He is not damned because he’s left-handed! Let my son use whatever hand he wants to!” (my Mom was a Tiger-mom before it was even invented!)
I also heard -much later- that I became a hero to several other Lefties in my class that day. Because they stopped getting their hands swatted, too!
Sorry, Catholic schools with Nuns for teachers are a completely different and alien thing to my experience so I wasn’t including them in what I said. Which you would have no way to know. I realize that for a lot of Catholics that was “normal” in their experience but I can state unequivocally there was nothing normal about it. Unless you’re a Catholic, which I’m not.
Even back then, Protestant operated church schools didn’t do that kind of thing to kids simply for being left handed. I had some cousins that attended a Dutch Reformed grade school. That’s about as strict as it gets in the Protestant world and that’s very strict, those Calvinists can be hell on wheels. My cousins never mentioned anything like that happening to them. They got paddled for lesser reasons than I might have in public school but their parents endorsed that sort of thing. While it was easier to get the paddle than it was where I went to school, it wasn’t applied sadistically like I’ve heard punishments often were in Catholic schools.
Mind you, I’m not slagging on Roman Catholics or Catholicism. I’ve had a lot of Catholic friends, colleagues and coworkers that I greatly respect and admire. One of the best friends I ever had was a Catholic nun and we sometimes just had to agree to disagree. All that being the case, I’ve heard some real horror stories about Catholic schools even so.
I do not envy you that experience.
Seriously dude, please come submit a guest post at Flopping Aces. I’ll even help promote your posts!